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Outburst is a game of topics. Each card has a topic and 10 target answers. Each card is printed on both sides, but only one side is played at a time.

Outburst is played in teams. No matter how many people are playing, divide the players into two teams. Teams should sit together (unless you've been serving chili!).

Because Outburst is fast-paced and addictive, things can get a little wild, In an effort to maintain some order, one player should be selected to also serve as the Master of Ceremonies (M.C).. (This is not one of those rules you should question,,, just do it!) …


  • 496 Guess Words on 248 Word Cards
  • 35 Challenge Cards
  • 5 Blank Cards
  • 2 Clue Boards
  • 2 Markers
  • Card Concealer Folder
  • Instructions

Object of the Game

Figure out the Guess Word on the card in the fewest number of clues.

The Catch

Players will describe What Theirs Is Like with truthful, yet clever, answers. Don't be too specific, or you'll give the player in the Hot Seat an easy guess. For example, if the Guess Word is Hair, players might say:

  • Mine disappeared when I was 40.
  • Mine is always a mess.
  • Mine isn't real.
  • I spend a lot of time on mine.
  • Mine is easy to care for.
  • I find mine all over the house.
  • Mine looks the same as it did 10 years ago.
  • In high school, mine was wild.

Note: Descriptions should be creative and fun in order to make game play fun. Descriptions that are too literal or too vague will not be fun. Examples of undesirable clues for the Guess Word Hair might be: …


  • 6 clothes pin
  • Ballot box
  • Voting cards in 6 colors
  • 18 symbols cards ('+', '0', and '±')
  • Question cards
  • Score pad
  • Rulebook


Each player takes a clothes pin and fastens it to their collar or other visible place. This will be your color for the game.

All players receive two voting cards of each color in the game, except their own color. Each player receives three symbol cards: one of each '+', '0', and '±'. The question cards are shuffled and placed on the table. Place the ballot box in the middle. …


  • 52 Cards
  • Instructions

Object of the Game

Collect the entire deck of ratty cards.


Shuffle and deal out the whole deck. Hold your cards in a pack, face-down, in one hand. Don't be a rat and look at your cards!

Game Play

The deck consists of two kinds of cards:

  • Random Rats - cards showing a couple of rats doing random ratly things.

  • Big Fat Rats - bigger, single rats with cheese numbers from 1 to 4.

The player to the left of the dealer goes first, and play goes to the left around the table. On your turn, lay the top card from your pack face-up in the center of the table. …


  • 564 Truth Be Told Questions (141 cards)
  • 8 Markers
  • 8 Fill in the Blank Cards
  • 8 Paddles
  • 1 Scoreboard
  • Instructions

Object of the Game

Pretend to know your friends! Score points on questions about other players either by guessing the True Answer, or by fooling others into guessing your Bluff Answer.


  1. Give each player a dry-erase marker, a Fill in the Blank Card , and a Paddle .

    Also give each player a tissue (not included) for erasing.

  2. Write the names of all players on the Scoreboard, and have all players write their names at the top of their Fill in the Blank Cards. …


Starting Bonus: Greenery.

Starting Bonus: Gain two coins each time the player places a pavilion or a bridge on the garden board.

Sight Preference: Gain three coins for each Construction icon on the active Landscape.


Starting Bonus: Rock.

Character Skill: Gain two coins each time the player places a bird or fish decoration.

Sight Preference: Gain two coins for each Animal icon on the active Landscape.


Starting Bonus: Water.

Character Skill: Gain two coins each time the player places a lotus or a peony flower decoration. …


  • 185 Tokens
  • 250 Question Cards
  • 64 Rush Hour Cards
  • 16 Answer Cards
  • 1 Timer
  • 7 Fact or Crap Signs
  • 1 Rules Sheet

Object of the Game

Fact is often stranger than fiction. In this fast-paced trivia game, your aim is to dazzle the opposition with how much you know about the world we live in. From the day to day to the truly bizarre, you will be asked the one question that really counts- is it Fact or Crap?


Shuffle the Question cards with the Rush Hour cards so the Rush Hour cards are spread randomly throughout the pack. Place the shuffled pack of cards and the timer in the middle of the players. …

Once you have revealed all 24 Locations multiple times in one game, we recommend that you start using the expert rules. It makes the game more tactical and gives you exciting new possibilities.


If you successfully make a connection on your turn (and only then!) you must activate the ability of the animal depicted on the Location you just revealed.

Lucas successfully reveals a Location with a crab, so he must use the ability of the crab.


Secretly look at any unrevealed Location without showing anyone and put it back in place. …

Your favorite Rembrandt is on the block and you are bidding for it against a dazzling array of eccentric art speculators. Baron von Oberlitzer, the German Industrialist, signals a bid of $500,000; V. Elton Whitehall instantly ups it to $750,000.

Should you go even higher? What if it's a worthless forgery? You must decide quickly, but you'll never know for sure unless you outbid the competition. Keen observation, steady nerves and a little luck make the difference in MASTERPIECE, an exciting, suspenseful trip into the elite world of the international art auction. …


  • 87 Cards
  • Instructions


Place the three instruction cards in the center of the table, face up, with a distance of about 20 cm to each-other. Place one playing card right next to each of the instruction cards, face up - these are the three center piles. Each instruction card indicates what you have to play next on this pile:

  • On top of pile A you have to play a card with the same color or the same shape.

  • On top of pile B you have to play a number in ascending or descending order (+1 or -1). …