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Adding a new settler to the board only costs 1 point instead of 2.


The player gains 2 Hourglasses. Contiguous land movement only costs 1 point, regardless of the number of spaces moved.


When the player has to draw a Destiny card, he takes the top three, chooses one and discards the other two, face up on the discard pile.

Astronomy, Map-making:

Movement onto a sea space costs 1 action point less.

Note: the effects of these two cards are cumulative.

Metallurgy, Hoplite, Phalanx, Strategy

These discoveries provide Swords for combat. …


  • One Rage deck of 110 cards as follows
  • 8 colored sets of 18 cards
  • 14 Action cards
  • Instructions

Object of the Game

Be the player with the highest score by accurately bidding on the number of tricks you will win per round.


Choose a player to be scorekeeper and write the names of the players along the top of the score sheet (sea attached score sheet). Choose someone to be the first dealer.

Then the cards are shuffled and 10 cards are dealt to each player. After each round, the player on the dealer's left becomes the new dealer. …


  • 120 shootout cards
  • 8 paper pads 8 pencils
  • 1 rubber moustache
  • Instructions


Gather two or more friends in your saloon. One person plays as Mr Lister. They grab the mustache, pencil, scorecard and read the questions.

They're in charge. (You can alternate who plays Mr Lister after each card, if you like, so that everyone gets a chance to play). Now each team grabs a pencil and pad and it's time to play. Yeeha!

Object of the Game

To win cards and collect the drinks on the reverse. The first team to collect five different drinks wins. …


  • 1 Game Board
  • 5 Trophies
  • 3 Female Challenge Tokens
  • 3 Male Challenge Tokens
  • 3 Decision Cards (A-B-C)
  • 110 Male Cards in a Card Box
  • 110 Female Cards in a Card Box
  • Instructions

Object of the Game

Test your knowledge of the opposite sex through a series of gender-based questions and challenges. The first team to earn three trophies wins!


  • Split the players into two teams, Males vs. Females. Men should sit on the Male side of the board, Wom- en on the Female side of the board. …


  • 10 Bowling dice
  • Scorepad
  • Instructions

Object of the Game

Be the player with the highest score after playing 10 frames.

Dice Definitions

Game Play

The youngest player goes first. The player rolls all 10 dice. If an "X" appears on any of the dice on the first roll, the player has rolled a "strike". An X is recorded in the upper right corner of the player's score box for frame one, and their turn ends. Play passes to the next player to their left. …

Vast treasure, fast ships and cutthroat rivals await you on the seas of Pirateer, the fast-paced strategy game where fortunes turn on pirate skullduggery and a roll of the dice.

Easy to learn, yet challenging for all ages, this award winning mix of luck, skill and treachery will entertain your family for years. Hoist the Jolly Roger and fire your imagination with Pirateer, the game of outrageous fortune.


  • Game board
  • 12 ship markers
  • Ship marker decals
  • 2 dice,
  • Treasure coin
  • Rulebook


Each player chooses a flag and places ships on the 3 spaces next to the anchor flag at the end of their harbor. …

The south sea, AD 1777! Three years after James Cook visited the islands, the islands are embroiled in a contest for possession of legendary shrunken heads. The players' only desire is to acquire these »head attractions« for shipment to museums in Europe.

Although the islanders are very interested in trading their treasures with the Europeans for the glass beads they offer, their traditions require that such exchanges be done during a special KAWA ritual.

Thus, the players must submit to this ritual by playing against each other using their beads to acquire the prized shrunken heads. The winner will leave the island with the treasure. The losers may remain to provide further treasures. …

On your turn, you may perform one main action during Phase B of your turn:

City Actions

If your ship is in a city, then you can perform a city ' * action there. A city action always consists of two parts.

  1. Deliver a good to the market

    Check to see if there is an empty space left in the city's market.

    If there is, then you may discard a hand card with the same goods symbol on it. Remove the disc of your choice from your ship, placing it onto the empty market space. …


  • 5 Question & Answer Card Consoles
  • 1,000 cards (980 question / answer cards, 20 Ask the Audience / Phone a Friend cards)
  • Money
  • 15 Lifeline tokens
  • Instructions

Object of the Game

To be the first player to win a million dollars or be the richest player in the game after an agreed number of rounds. The number of rounds is decided at the beginning of play.


Separate the four blocks of question cards into their fifteen different values. Shuffle each of the fifteen packs and place them in their respective sections in the two end compartments of the box. …

Note: The solo game follows the rules for a 2-player game, but with the following changes.


Place 1/2/2/1 greenhouses of sizes 3/4/5/6, respectively. The pile of random greenhouses is unchanged.

Choose 2 colors and take the workers of both of those colors. Take 1 manager (of either color) to use.

On each of the flag action spaces in the Property column, place an unused worker. These 2 action spaces are blocked for the entire game. The workers that are blocking these spaces cannot be removed whatsoever. …