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Every time the wagon and the courier meet on a space, the active player can take one Influence card from the pile. Each card can only be used once and is removed from the game after it is played. The cards are:

Free Loading

You can load 2 goods for free on any wagon. You may not load the same kind of good that the Loading Master loaded. This card is played during Action 2.

Note: The Loading Master cannot prevent you from loading your goods for free. If he did not put any good on the wagon, you may load the goods of your choice. This card replaces your loading action; i.e. you cannot load more than 2 goods with the help of this card. …


  • 6 Movers
  • 1 Game Board
  • 250 Cards
  • 6 Pencils
  • 1 Electronic Timer
  • 42 Guessing Tokens
  • 1 Drawing Pad
  • Instructions

Object of the Game

Be the first player to reach the Finish space by earning the most points.


Each player chooses a mover and takes the seven guessing tokens that match their mover color. Each player takes a pencil and a few sheets of paper from the drawing pad.

Place the movers on the Start space on the game board. Turn on the timer and put the card box near it. …


  • Game tray
  • 4 sets of cards numbered 1 through 16 in 4 different colors
  • five numbered dice
  • one "Switch" game die
  • one Block disk.

Object of the Game

Be the first player to discard the 16th card from the deck they control by rolling the numbers needed on the dice.


Place the game tray in the middle of all the players. Each player takes a deck of the same color cards, makes sure they are in the correct order (with the 1 on top and the 16 on the bottom) and then places the deck into the deck holder that's nearest to them on the tray. …


  • 55 Fart Game Cards
  • 99-Track Fart Effects CD
  • Score Pad
  • Rule Book

Object of the Game

The object is to score the least points by getting rid of your cards before your opponents.


Write each player's name on a piece of paper so that a running total can be kept of the scores.

Shuffle and deal five cards to each player. Place the remaining deck face down to form a draw pile. The top card of the draw pile is turned over to begin a discard pile. …

In Factory Manager, you will take on the role of the production manager in the chocolate factory. You will only be concerned with completing all the work necessary to meet the demands of the owner and their customers.


Set up the game exactly as described in the main rules, with the following changes.

Factory Manager Cards

Find the 26 Factory Manager cards. Separate them into two face down decks of Weekly Targets and Demands. Shuffle each deck separately.

  • Randomly choose 1 Weekly Target and place it face up in front of you. If the Target has a 'Special Orders' panel at the top, refer to the rule below. …


  • 38 Plasticised 'Face Cards'
  • 2 Double-sided Face 'Check Paddles'
  • 1 Giant 'Honker' Nose Squeaker
  • 1 Setup card
  • Rules card


Put the giant Honker where everyone can reach it. Shuffle the Face Cards and place them face-down in a pile next to the Honker.

Also make sure everyone can reach the Check Paddles; the blue/green one shows the male Face Cards and the pink/yellow one shows the female Face Cards.

Now it's fine to pick a face and pul it in place! …

This is not 'Nam. There are rules...and here they are in the simplest form we deemed possible.

And you don't need to know a single thing about The Big Lebowski to enjoy/win this game...for this is a game of 180 creative, discussion-fueled Loaded Questions...and you get to write any answer you want.

Along the way, you and your fellow players collect money by

  1. guessing 'which player wrote which answer' on your own turn
  2. writing the 'favorite' answer on everyone else's turn.


  • 10 Question Cards
  • 55 Money Cards
  • 21 Abide Cards
  • Answer Pad
  • 6 Pencils

Object of the Game

The player with the most amount of money after three full rounds wins the game. …


  • 396 cards
  • score pad
  • 30-second sandtimer
  • instructions

Object of the Game

In this rapid-fire game, players race to describe a wide variety of PEOPLE, THINGS, and PLACES for their teammates to guess. Try to describe all 6 in 30 seconds!


Place the three decks of cards within easy reach. Designate a scorekeeper and give them the score sheet and a pen.

Divide into teams and decide which team will take the first turn. This team selects their first 'Describer'.

Game Play

Refer to the score sheet to determine which topic (PEOPLE, THINGS, or PLACES) is in play. The Describer draws a card and takes a moment to study it. You can describe the items on the list in any order, so it is advised to start with the items you think your team will guess the fastest. …


  • 6 decks of cards each with 2 wild cards and 52 numbered cards
  • Instructions

Each player or partnership will have their own deck. the more players, the more Wackee the game can get.

Note: If more than 6 players, play in in partners of two, each partnership shares a deck. If you have an odd player, don't kick them out; select one of the faster single players to take on the "Wackee Challenge" by opposing the other partnerships by themselves.

Object of the Game

To be the first player to 'Go Out' and call "Wackee Six!" by playing out all of the main 12 cards that were originally dealt to you, And to get as many points as possible by playing the most cards from your remaining deck out into the many piles in the middle of the table or playing field. …


  • 47 Loot Cards
  • 38 Outlaws and Lawmen
  • 10 Two-Faced Cards
  • 5 Special Action Cards
  • 6 Hideouts
  • 1 Turn Card

Object of the Game

Steal the most Gold Bars or Money Bags from your opponents while protecting your own stash. Each round is another chance to wrangle up more Loot.


First, separate the Hideout Cards, Turn Card, and Quick Reference Card from the rest of the deck. Have all players choose their favorite Hideout to stash their Loot under. Shuffle the rest of the cards and deal 6 to each player. …