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Solo Variant: Devious Automatics Challenge

One of our competitors, the Devious Automatics (DA) company, believes that it could undertake the colonization of Mars more efficiently through use of their android technology.

As our Project efficiency expert, your Job is to prove them wrong.

We've designed a comprehensive and accurate simulation system to challenge their claim, but so far no one's been able to overcome those pesky androids!

You're our last chance. If you can't master it, our colonization program may be doomed! …


  • 50 Cards(100 Categories)
  • 1 Score Pad
  • 160-second timer
  • Instructions

Object of the Game

To come up with the most answers in a given category in 60 seconds beginning with each letter of the alphabet.

Game Play

Give each player 1 answer sheet and pen or pencil. One player acts as the Moderator. (Note: Moderator can change from round to round, and may also play in each round)

When everyone is ready, the Moderator flips over the first card in the deck and reads the Yellow or Blue category aloud. …

In the Solo game, the Signpost will make 1 complete circuit of the Hiking Map.

You need to fully cover the rows on your Mountain board in the correct order as quickly as possible as the points earned decrease with each turn.

Skillfully place the maximum of 20 Meadow tiles to master the game. Try out the campaign for an even bigger challenge.

Set-up Solo Game

Place the Hiking Map with the side face up in the center of the table. Fill the spaces with 25 random Meadow tiles and return the rest to the box - they will not be used unless you play a campaign (see Campaign rules). …


  • 1 Dueling Dice Mini-Game Board
  • 4 color-coded Game Play Pieces (Red, Blue, Green, Black)
  • 4 Reference Cards
  • 4 Sets of three color-coded Dice (Red, Blue, Green, Black)
  • 1 Dueling Dice Game Play Cube (Master Die)
  • Instructions


Put the Dueling Dice Mini-Game Board in easy reach of all players.

Give each player a Reference Card, a set of three color-coded Dice, and one matching color-coded Game Play Piece.

Each player must place his/her color-coded Play Piece on the "Start" space.

Game Play

Youngest Player goes first by rolling the Master Die. The Master Die tells you what you must try and roll: …


  • Gameboard
  • 6 Pawns
  • 6 Number Chips
  • 300 Category Cards
  • Card Reader
  • Turn Tracker with Plastic Guide
  • 45-SecondTimer
  • 2 Category Reference Cards
  • Rulebook

Object of the Game

Take turns giving clues and guessing answers on the category cards. Keep track of correct answers by moving your pawn along the gameboard path. The player who reaches the END space first wins!


Carefully detach the game parts from the cardboard sheet Remove the plastic parts from the bag. Discard all waste materials.

  1. The Category Reference Cards: These two cards list the four categories: Hookups, Same Word, Rhyme It and Free Association. Take a look at the categories and examples before playing your first game, and keep these cards handy for reference as you play. …

This section provides players with additional rules needed to play their first game.

District Components

A district can contain numerous components that represent the status of that district. Each of these components is described below.

Human First Unit (Enemy unit)

Human First is the organization at the forefront of anti-android activism, instigating unrest and violently sabotaging businesses that employ androids.

When a district with a Human First unit is exploited, unrest increases by two stages instead of one. If unrest cannot increase by two stages, place an outage token in that district's condition box, returning any unrest token there to the reserve. …


  • 120 pictures on double-sided cards
  • 6 score notepads
  • card cover
  • 1 10-sided die
  • 6 pencils
  • hourglass
  • rulebook.

Object of the Game

To accumulate the largest number of points by:

  • Accurately drawing scenes as they are described by the Portrayer.
  • Precisely describing scenes to Artists who attempt to draw them.


Each player rolls the 10-sided die. The player that rolls the highest number is the first Portrayer. All players other than the Portrayer are Artists for the first round.

Each player should have a writing utensil and a supply of blank canvases. …


Radiation poisoning is a very real danger for survivors in this new world. It is possible to gain Toxicity while:

  • Diving for resources
  • Drawing Ocean Tiles
  • Completing a lap on the Survivor Track

Each time you gain Toxicity, advance your Toxicity tracker one space forward on your Toxicity Track.

Whenever that tracker reaches the last space of its Track, advance your Scoring Penalty Marker one space, then return your Toxicity tracker to the first space on the track.

At the end of the game, you will gain or lose equal to the amount indicated under your Scoring Penalty Marker. …


  • one sack of beans
  • a height measurer
  • 70 wooden building blocks
  • Instructions.


All pieces are placed on the table in easy view and reach of all players. Each player is given a pool of 10 tokens, which must be plainly visible to all players. Each player should have a flat, stable play area roughly 2 feet square.

Game Elements

  • Foundation & Tower

    The first piece you place is called your foundation, which is the only piece that is allowed to touch the table surface. The foundation and all other pieces stacked on it are collectively called your tower. …


  • 396 Cards in a Box
  • 6 Writing Cards
  • Answer Pad
  • Label Sheet
  • Die
  • Card Divider
  • Instructions


Remove the parts sheet from the instructions by tearing along the perforation.

Carefully remove the card divider from the parts sheet. Discard the cardboard waste. Apply the labels from the label sheet to the die. It doesn't matter which side gets which label as long as each side has one and they are somewhat straight. When you're done, discard the used label sheet.


  • You'll need to scrounge up something to write with. …