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  • 54 GODZILLA Jenga Blocks
  • Custom GODZILLA Die
  • Custom GODZILLA Board Track
  • GODZILLA Loading Tray
  • Instructions

Object of the Game

Remove one block at a time from the tower, and then stack it on top. The last player to stack a block without making the tower fall wins the game!


The biggest GODZILLA fan assembles the tower. Using this loading tray, build up the tower by placing layers of three wooden blocks at right angles to each other on a flat surface. …


  • 54 hardwood Rick and Morty Edition Jenga blocks
  • Loading tray to assemble tower
  • 1 Die
  • Instructions

Object of the Game

Remove one block at a time from the tower, and then stack it on top. The last player to stack a block without making the tower fall wins the game!


  • Sort the JENGA blocks by color.

  • The biggest Rick and MortyTM fan assembles the tower (all players vote).

  • Build up the tower by placing layers of three wooden blocks at right angles to each other on a flat surface. First build 6 layers using the 18 pink Microverse blocks.

    Next build 6 more layers on top of that using the 18 blue Miniverse blocks. Lastly, add 6 more layers using the 18 yellow Teenyverse blocks. …

One cannot win the struggle for dominance over the island without powerful allies. As every wise king knows, power is not measured in strength and gold alone ...

Having the support of the spiritual leaders of the country can be the decisive factor. Win the Druids over to your cause and harness the power of their mystical sacred sites for your benefit!


  • 1 Dolmen Board
  • 6 new Scoring Tiles
  • 9 Additional Gold Coins
  • 10 Stone Tablets
  • 5 "50/10 Victory Points" Tiles
  • 36 Druid Tiles

Important: Do not put the landscape tiles from this expansion into the bag; keep them separate from the base game tiles! …

3-player Variant: Dummy Bids

If you want your 3 player games to have a little bit more negotiation, you can add a dummy player. At the beginning of each round draw 2 cards from the stack and place $3 on the islands shown. Then discard the cards.

If you draw a Tourist during this phase, discard the Tourist and continue drawing until you get a card with an Island on it.

2-player Variant: Dueling Pilots

The two player game works differently than the normal game. There is less negotiation, but a higher focus on the bidding in the game. The changes to play are as follows: …


  • 4 Miniatures
  • 4 Mercenary cards
  • 1 Rule card


Shuffle the Mercenary Cards under the table and randomly draw 1 card per player. For 2 players, draw a 3rd Mercenary Card.

Place these cards and their corresponding miniatures in an area within reach of the players. The unused miniatures and cards can be placed back in the box.


Mercenaries are Hero Units that any player can acquire by taking or following a Recruit Action:

  • Pay its cost (3 Ore, 3 Magic, and 3 Food).

  • Place the corresponding miniature into your Capital City's Courtyard. …

The Nomads Mini-Expansion offers two different variants for Heroes of Land, Air & Sea:


  • 10 Nomad Miniatures
  • 1 Nomads Mercenary Card
  • 6 Nomad Spell Cards
  • Instructions

1. Wandering Nomads

This variant uses an army of 10 Nomads, playing as non-player- characters. The Nomads are placed on the board, one each round, by the players.

They negatively affect the Regions they are adjacent to but can be captured by players for Victory Points and to gain extra "Follow" and "Muster" actions.

If players ignore the Nomads, their army can grow to the point where they become hard to defeat. Managing the size of the Nomad army becomes a meaningful part of each player's strategy. …


  • 6 Siege engine constructs (3 types)
  • 6 Siege engine cards


Place the 6 Siege Engine Constructs (3 types) and their 6 Siege Engine Cards in an area within reach of the players.


Siege Engines are Units any player can acquire by taking or following a Build Action:

  • Pay the cost in Resources listed on each Siege Engine's card (different for each type).

  • After building it, place the Construct in your Courtyard or a Region with a Tower you control.

  • Take the Siege Engine's Card. …

Gobblet combines the simplicity of tic-tac-toe with the excitement of being able to gobble your opponent's pieces. This multiple award-winning strategy game is easy to learn and fun to play!

Gobble up your opponent's pieces and get 4 in a row to win.


  • 1 wooden playing board
  • 12 red
  • 12 yellow
  • Instructions

Object of the Game

Be the first player to line up 4 Gobblets in a row.


Each player chooses a color and arranges their Gobblets in 3 nesting stacks of 4 Gobblets each (from the smallest to the biggest) outside the board. These stacks are called external stacks. …


  • 9-square playing board
  • 6 red Gobblets
  • 6 yellow Gobblets
  • Instructions

Object of the Game

Like Tic-Tac-Toe, you must be the first player to get 3 pieces in a row to win.

Game Play

Each player chooses a color. Then, in turn, you can either:

  1. Put a new Gobblet on the board, on an empty space or over a smaller Gobblet.

  2. Move one of your Gobblets already on the board to an empty space or over a smaller Gobblet.

    Once you touch a Gobblet on the board, you must move it. When you move a Gobblet on the board, make sure to lift it so that you only move one Gobblet at a time. …

Play according to the rules of the 2-player game but with the following changes.

The goal of the solo game is to have as many points as possible at the end of the 7th building period. (30 points is considered a remarkable score).

For each building period, choose a number of Specialist cards as indicated by the following table. Set the other cards aside, face-down.

Shuffle the chosen Specialist cards and draw one randomly.

Play this card using only one of the two abilities on it. Continue to do so until you have only two cards left in your hand. …