Note: The solo game follows the rules for a 2-player game, but with the following changes.
Place 1/2/2/1 greenhouses of sizes 3/4/5/6, respectively. The pile of random greenhouses is unchanged.
Choose 2 colors and take the workers of both of those colors. Take 1 manager (of either color) to use.
On each of the flag action spaces in the Property column, place an unused worker. These 2 action spaces are blocked for the entire game. The workers that are blocking these spaces cannot be removed whatsoever.
From your chosen set of service cards, place only 3 cards (instead of 5 cards) in the open display, returning the rest to the game box. You still take the topmost good from the stack each time you take a service card from the display.
Only use game round tiles 1-5.
Work Time
At the start of Work Time each round, take a greenhouse from the pile of random greenhouses. In addition, take 1 tomato from the supply. This does not use up an action.
From round to round, you will alternate using the workers of different colors during Work Time. This means that you will use workers of the first color three times (in rounds 1, 3, and 5) and workers of the second color twice (in rounds 2 and 4).
When you are placing workers of the active color, workers of the inactive color block the action spaces that they occupy.
Homecoming Time
During Homecoming Time in the first round, do not retrieve any workers. They stay on their action spaces and will block them for the next round.
During Homecoming Time in each subsequent round, you always retrieve the workers from the previous round (i.e., of the inactive color). The workers placed in the current round stay put!
After round 5 is complete, the game ends.
Object of the Game
In the solo game, your goal is to reach the tomato table with 5 dishes. You can try to beat your high score by advancing even further. You can measure your success by counting how many goods you had of those required by the next table.
To measure this in points: For each extra table reached (after the tomato table with 5 dishes), you score 10 points. For each good you had of those required by the next table, you score 1 point (up to a maximum of 9 points).

Example: You have reached the mushroom table with 5 dishes, and still have 2 cauliflower in your stock. Your final score in this game would be 22 points.
Variant: Once during the game, you may place a worker on a blocked action space. (The challenge of this variant is in the timing - when will you do this?)
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