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  • Manage your stock of cubes wisely

    Cubes that are left unused by the end of a season can be used in the next season.

    Thus, a player who saves up more cubes than their opponents will have more at their disposal for the next season, which will especially be useful for the fourth season, when the game region is larger.

  • Do not fight uselessly

    Remember the first two players of each area are sure to earn something (either a parcel of a place in the Museum). Its is therefore useless to accumulate cubes in an area where you are only threatened by one opponent, or to try and beat an opponent at all cost when both parcels are interesting. …


  • 1 game board
  • 120 tiles
  • 1 bag
  • 4 racks
  • 4 score boards
  • 24 color pegs
  • rulebook


  1. Lay out the board.

  2. Put the tiles in the bag and shuffle them.

  3. Each player displays one score board in front of him and places one peg of each colour in the hole to the right of the colour symbols (value 0).

  4. Each player places one rack in front of him (behind his score board), draws 6 tiles from the bag and places them on his rack so that only he can see them. …

Players will attempt to emulate the feats of Francis Drake by mounting 3 voyages to the Spanish Main. Before leaving England's Plymouth Harbor, they will have to find the necessary crew, guns, ships and supplies.

These may be picked up in the streets of Plymouth or obtained via wealthy investors, Queen Elizabeth or Drake himself. Once ready to sail, each captain must chart his course on the Spanish Main and decide which forts, towns and galleons to plunder.

Documents taken from the Spanish Admiral and Governor will make their tasks easier, as will informers who give information on the plans of rival captains. With their boats full of loot and plunder they will then sail back to Plymouth Harbor and be rewarded by Queen and country depending on how much havoc they wreaked on Spain's New World Empire. …

Let's take a look at a Unit in more detail:

  • The number in the upper- left corner you know already - it is the amount of Influence you have to pay to recruit it.

  • In the upper-right corner, there is the level of the Unit. This is important when healing a Unit, and also determines the total value of your army at the end of the game.

  • The icon or icons under the cost tell you where this Unit can be recruited. …

Diamant takes you on an expedition in the Tacora Cave, known for its diamonds... but also for its formidable traps! Venture to the depths of the cave and decide, step after step, to follow your path or return prudently to the camp to safeguard your treasures.


  • 1 game board
  • 15 Treasure cards
  • 15 Trap cards
  • 5 Relic cards
  • 8 Exit cards
  • 8 Continue cards
  • 100 Precious Stones
  • 8 Explorer figures
  • 8 Chests
  • 5 Barricade tiles
  • 1 rulebook
  • 1 player aid

Object of the Game

Explore the Tacora Cave with careful steps, guided by the light coming from your torches. Each time you go deeper, discover a new room and gather the diamonds found in your path. …

This section contains rules for the agenda phase, which is added to the game after a player gains control of Mecatol Rex. The agenda phase involves heavy negotiation and political maneuvering.

Custodians Of Mecatol Rex

The custodians token represents the caretakers that safeguard Mecatol Rex until one of the great races can claim the throne.

Players may freely move units into the Mecatol Rex system, but cannot land ground forces on the planet while the custodians token is present.

To remove this token, the active player must spend six influence immediately before landing ground forces on the planet. If the player cannot spend six influence, he cannot land ground forces on the planet. …

The advanced setup offers a new way to play the game, with each crew having unique starting conditions and a trait from the Roll Player universe. Can you prove victorious as the Obnoxious Insectoids, the Greedy Goblins, or the Nimble Gnolls?

Follow the setup instructions for the standard game, but with the following changes:

  1. Players start on the "0" space of the reputation track instead of the "10" space.

  2. Players do not automatically start with any power cubes.

  3. Players use the advanced side of their chosen crew board (side B). …

1. Action Spaces For Twin Tiles

At the end of the game, you will lose 1 point for each unused space on your Home board. An unused space is one that does not have a tile (or Stable) placed on it. You will now learn how to get tiles - for your Mountain and for your Forest.

Action Spaces: Excavation And Drift Mining

The "Excavation" and "Drift mining" Action spaces accumulate Stone. Take all the Stone tokens from the Action space when taking the action. …

It all began with a simple map-a map said to lead to a legendary Minoan temple. Investigating the matter further, you've decided to set forth on the Aegean Sea. And it would appear you were not alone in this quest for fame...

These voyages and excavations will be costly. To fund them, you will need to gather resources from the surrounding islands and bring them back to the resource-poor island of Thera. Using landmarks to guide your way, follow your maps to unearth the forgotten temples, before time forgets them, and History forgets you. …

In Colosseum you act as a Roman impresario - producing great spectacles in your arena in the hope of attracting the most spectators to your events. You'll earn wealth and glory for each event you run, using it to build ever more ambitious events.

Attract the most spectators to one of your events and you'll be granted the title of Grand Impresario, with tales of your extraordinary spectacles acclaimed throughout the empire.


  • 1 Rules Booklet
  • 1 Game Board
  • 10 Arena pieces & Expansions
  • 5 Emperor's Loges
  • 10 Season Tickets
  • 1 Emperor, 2 Consul and 3 Senator miniatures
  • 80 Roman Coins
  • 4 Podiums
  • 152 Event Asset Tokens and Storage Bag
  • 7 Star Performer Awards
  • 30 Event Programs
  • 18 Emperor Medals
  • 6 Help Sheets


Place the game board in the center of the table. Prior to playing for the first time, punch out all the Roman coins and place them alongside the board. These make up the public bank that will be used throughout the game. …