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In the four-player variant of the game, two teams of two players each face off. Each team chooses a faction, and then each player on a team takes a bag and 1 Royal Coin. Teams share 8 Control Markers.

Each player places their Royal Coin into their bag, and the team places Control Markers onto each of the 3 matching location spaces on the board. The other 8 locations are neutral.

Shuffle the 16 Unit Cards then give each player 3, either randomly (if playing the standard game) or by drafting (if playing with the advanced drafting rules). These are the 3 units that player will have available this game. …

Erecting Buildings

(applies to bricklayers, stonemasons, and workers)

A player can erect buildings with the bricklayer, stonemason, or worker, but is compensated in different ways: the bricklayer gives the player talers, the stonemason gives victory points, and the worker gives half victory points.

Looking at the building tiles still on the gameboard, the player decides which building(s) he wants to erect.

For each of these buildings, he pays exactly the indicated value of the building in resources to the general stock and then takes the building tile from gameboard, placing it in his play area. The gameboard now shows the completed building. …

Shortened Versions of Titan

A game of TITAN can become a long affair, depending on the number of players involved and their relative skill and experience.

In the event that players must stop the game before it is decided, a victor can be determined by adding each player's score to the total value of all of his remaining Legions. Each Legion should be revealed as it is counted.

The player with the highest grand total is the winner. If instead, the game is to be postponed, each player, should reveal each of his Legions to the scorekeeper, who should record its contents and the number of the Land which it occupies. …

Green Cabins (to be used by The Tan-path Pioneer)

  • Whenever your green-path pioneer lands on a path action with 2 boots, you may gain 1 gold (if you forgo using the boots)

    Note: You cannot use this cabin's ability outside of this exact context - meaning, you cannot spend Pair of Boots tokens to gain gold, etc.

  • Whenever your green-path pioneer lands on a path action with 2 boots, you may gain a Pair of Boots token (if you forego using the boots).

    Note: You cannot use this cabin's ability outside of this exact context. …

To start playing a new campaign, players first perform the steps of "Campaign Mode Setup" below.

Campaign Mode Setup

  1. Choose Player Roles: Players decide who will take on the role of the Imperial player. It is recommended that the most experienced player take on this role. All other players take on the roles of the Rebel heroes.

    Players retain these roles for the entirety of the campaign.

  2. Choose Heroes: Each Rebel player chooses one Hero sheet and takes that hero's matching Class deck and hero figure. Then each Rebel player retrieves the basic Item cards (the cards without an XP cost) from his Class deck and places them faceup on the table in front of him. …

There once was a time full of relentless heroic wars and fantastic creatures. Paper Tales is the last remaining relic of those forgotten centuries. Time has come to re-open this book, and to relive these legendary ages!

Paper Tales is a card game for 2 to 5 players. Collect Legend Points to rewrite History in your favor.

On each turn, choose the best combination of Units: they symbolize your Kingdom's glory, through its wars and achievements. Quickly, however, you will lack space, and your Units will inexorably end swept away by the passing of time. …

As the chief of your tribe, you are leading your people on an expedition to claim and then settle the different islands of a recently discovered archipelago.

The paradise is rich with resources, and there are whispers of a beautiful lagoon hidden somewhere between the islands. Strategically direct your people and build your settlements so you can collect as many resources as possible and become the most renowned tribe on the archipelago!


  • 1 Game Board
  • 24 Wooden Resources: coconuts
  • 8 Wooden Statuettes
  • 20 Wooden Villages (4 sets of 5)
  • 120 Settlers
  • 1 Linen Bag
  • 1 Score Pad


  • Open and lay out the Game Board. It shows the 8 islands that make up the archipelago. …


  • 19 Blue cards - 0 to 9
  • 19 Green cards - 0 to 9
  • 19 Red cards - 0 to 9
  • 19 Yellow cards - 0 to 9
  • 8 Draw Two cards - 2 each in blue, green, red and yellow
  • 8 Reverse cards - 2 each in blue, green, red and yellow
  • 8 Skip cards - 2 each in blue, green, red and yellow
  • 2 Wild cards
  • 4 Wild Draw Four cards
  • 2 Wild Customizable Cards
  • 4 Wild Emoji Cards

Object of the Game

Be the first player to get rid of all of your cards in each round and score points for the cards your opponents are left holding. Points in rounds accumulate and the first player to reach 500 points wins. …


  • 25 cubes
  • board


25 cubes are placed in the center of the board. Each cube is characterized by its top face: blank face, or face with a circle or cross (fig. 1).

At the beginning of the game, the cubes all have a blank top face (fig. 2). The two players or teams choose who plays with crosses, who plays with circles, and who is to start.

Object of the Game

To make a horizontal, vertical or diagonal line from 5 cubes bearing your symbol (fig. 5). …


  • 70 cards

Object of the Game

Be the player with the most Free and/or Protected Gubs in play when the final letter of the word G-U-B has been drawn from the deck.


  1. Look through the deck and remove one Gub card for each player (not Esteemed Elder).

    Each player starts the game with a Gub in play on their side, that is to say, face up in front of them.

  2. Remove the three Letter cards (G, U, B) from the deck. …