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  • Popper
  • 5 Dice
  • 40 Ring Cards
  • Instructions

Object of the Game

Match the color and/or number on your Ring Cards to the Dice before the other players to be the first to get rid of all your cards!


  • Shuffle the Ring Cards and deal five out to each player (face up or face down-doesn't matter).

  • Set the Popper in the middle of the play area, with the Dice in the top area.

  • Go ahead and look at your cards to get familiar with them. …


  • 314 Malarky Cards
  • 6 Bluff Cards
  • 42 Voting Chips
  • 6 Concealing Folders
  • 1 Scorepad
  • 1 Die
  • Rulebook

Things you need to know and things you don't

The questions presented in Malarky aren't boring old trivia questions. Oh no. They are the little mysteries of everyday life that we sometimes think about but rarely solve, like why don't we ever see baby pigeons?

They are Imponderables. David Feldman, the author of the Imponderables books, has been compiling, researching, and writing about these mysteries for more than ten years. He is our authority. …


  • 1 game unit
  • 100 chips (25 per color)
  • 1 label sheet
  • 4 rubber feet
  • Rulebook

Object of the Game

Be the first player to get 4 chips of your color in a row (one chip on each ring).


  1. Peel the 4 rubber feet off the foam strip, and press one onto the bottom of each leg, inside the ribbed border.

  2. Applying The Labels: First, apply the four rectangular Round Four labels to the legs of the game unit. See the photograph on the box top for label placement. …

Now, it is time to explain the different abilities of all 12 Animal Species.

You can also check the Overview Sheet, listing the details for all Species, and giving you a detailed list of the Card values.

If you cut the Overview Sheets along the dotted lines into six separate Cards, you can always place the 6 Animal Species for all the 64 suggested combinations face up on the table.

If not mentioned otherwise, if you play Cards of a single Animal Species in your turn, you can always only move one Animal Disc of that Species! …


  • 500 case cards
  • scorepad
  • game die
  • Instructions

Object of the Game

Be the first player/team to fill in the last box on your side of the scoring track by correctly solving the Judge for Yourself cases.

Note: You will need a pencil to keep track of each team's advancement on the scorepad.

Game Play

Divide into two teams with as equal a number of players as possible.

One player from each team rolls the die to determine which team will be Team A (the higher roll). One Team A player rolls the die again; the number that shows is the number of points that will be awarded for that round. …


  • 9 Category Cubes (54 Categories)
  • 25 Chips
  • Electronic Timer/Letter Generator (21 Letters)
  • Rulebook

Object of the Game

Think fast to name something in one of the categories and grab that cube, avoiding collecting Chips if the random timer stops on your turn!


Place the Timer/Letter Generator in the center of the play area. Put 20 Chips in a pile so everyone can reach them. You may use fewer if you want shorter game time.

Everybody grab some of the cubes and get ready to roll 'em! …

The Game Board

The game board shows the table of a captain of a medieval merchant ship. Nine cities of the Mediterranean are depicted.

The top row of each city is composed of two harbor spaces and two building sites for fortresses. The number shown in each harbor space is the cost for building a warehouse in this city.

The number shown in each fortress space is the cost for building a fortress in this city. The other spaces (in a U-shaped track) surrounding the picture of the city are the building sites for the warehouses - except the last space on the right. The number shown in each of these building sites is the income of the players on each payday for their warehouses. …


  • 200 event cards
  • 6 game trays
  • Instructions

Object of the Game

To collect a total of five event cards by correctly guessing where each card should be placed in chronological order in each player's timeline. Choose to play with all categories or one category only.

Game Play

Shuffle the cards and place them year side down in the middle of the

table. Each player draws a card, reads it out loud and then places it in any slot in their card tray. This card represents the first card in the player's timeline. …

Asalto is a siege game, where a couple of officers face a rebellion by a large number of soldiers. The officers begin the game in a fortress and attempt to defend it and themselves against the rebellious onslaught. The game was based on a medieval game of fox & geese.

Fox & geese pits one fox against a number of geese, but in the seventeenth-century experiments were made by adding a second, and sometimes a third, fox and increasing the number of geese accordingly. By the nineteenth century, these experiments had resulted in the game of Asalto. …

You are in charge of a flock of Chickapigs. The first player that gets their Chickapigs across the board and through their goal wins the game. Along your way, do everything you can to thwart your opponents. And beware of the pooping cow.

Why do Chickapigs want to cross the board? To get to the other side. Vuh!


  • 1 Game Board
  • 6 Chickapigs Per Color
  • 4 Hay Bales Per Color
  • 1 Cow
  • 1 Cow Fence
  • 8 Cow Poops
  • 9 Poop Cards
  • 9 Daisy Cards
  • 1 Sand Timer
  • 1 Chickapig Die

Game Elements


You want to get your entire flock of Chickapigs off the board by escaping through your goal, which is located directly across from your 6 Chickapigs. …