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  • 170 Double-sided Message Cards
  • 1 Card Holder
  • 5 Blank Message Cards
  • 7 Colored Tokens
  • 7 Colored Dry-Erase Boards
  • 7 Dry-Erase Markers
  • Game Board
  • 56 Scoring Chips
  • 30-Second Timer
  • Instructions

Object of the Game

Can you get your message across? In ROFL!, you rack up points by condensing and guessing messages. Whoever has the most points at the end of three rounds wins!

A round consists of several turns. Every turn, one player becomes the Guesser. The remaining players are the Writers.

If the game is tied after three rounds, Tiebreaker Turns are used to determine the winner. …

Once upon a time, 3 big cats became exhausted fighting to be top cat. They agreed to quit the fight and spice up their 9 lives with a hot spice eating contest! Alas, everyone was soon cheating, so the cats invented a very hot, often tearful, bluffing game.


  • 100 Spicy cards (black)
  • 3 Trophy cards (white)
  • 1 World's End card (teal)
  • 6 SPICE IT UP! cards (red)
  • instructions


  1. Shuffle all spicy cards (black) and deal 6 cards to each player as their hand.

  2. The ing spicy cards create the draw deck. …

Glossary: Made-up Rules

If a made-up rule scores points based on cards or suits you have, count all your cards in your deck, discard, hand, Yard, and Lookout.

Big Plans: At the end of the game, score 1 point per Advance Fort action you have. This includes when it is only part of an action, like on Lefty and Dot. It does not include the DIY perk card.

Friendship Bracelet: At the end of the game, score 1 point for each different suit you have, except the coin () suit. If you have all six suits, score an extra 1 point. …

Gather Resource

Gain the resource (pizza or toys) shown from the shared

supply and place it in your Stuff. If this action lets you choose to gain either pizza or toys, you may only gain all pizza or all toys, not a mixture.

Pack Resource

Take one resource from your Stuff and place it in your Pack.

Why would I want to pack resources?

Some actions and made-up rules let you score points based on the resources in your Pack, and you can copy everything in your Pack by using the Copy Pack action. …

You're a kid! And like many kids, you want to grow your circle of friends, grab a bunch of pizza and toys, and build the best fort. Naturally, by doing this cool stuff you'll score victory points, and at the end of the game, the player with the most victory points is the winner!

Fort is a deckbuilding game with a twist-your cards not only let you take actions on your own turn, but also let you follow the other players' actions on their turns. Will you devote yourself to your own posse or copy what the other kids are doing? …


  • 50 path cards
  • temple gameboard
  • 2 plastic platform pieces
  • 8 explorer pawns
  • one 20 sided die
  • instructions

Object of the Game

Be the first to move your two pawns around the gameboard and into Ah Kinchil's Treasure Chamber in the center to win!


  1. Line up the two pLastic pLatform pieces so they form a circle in the center.

  2. Push the two pieces together to form one unit.

  3. Line up the round pegs on this pLastic unit with the hoLes in the gameboard and anchor the pLastic to the board. …

Logan Stones is a two-player strategic game that encourages memory and tactical thinking. It is played without a board, using 18 tactile pieces that are etched and painted on both sides with different symbols.

The game has simple rules that are based on the visually recognizable symbols of Rock Paper Scissors.


  • 18 Tactile Game Pieces
  • 6 'Rock' symbols
  • 6 'Paper' symbols
  • 6 'Scissors' symbols
  • Soft Travel Bag
  • Illustrated Rules Leaflet

Object of the Game

The object of the game is to make a row of four or more of the same symbol. …

It is summer in the Antarctic and the penguins want to secure the best places for sunbathing at the coolest iceberg of the area! Too bad that there is only limited space...

That's because the seagulls and the walruses want to lounge in the sun as well. And there are also brazen fish snapping at penguins that are standing incautiously at the edge of the floe.

The jostling for the best position begins! Who will manage to find a place for all his animals at the iceberg? …


  • 88 Islands
  • 4 Player boards
  • 32 Special islands
  • Action boards
  • 4 Starting islands
  • 4 Player tokens
  • 4 Player markers
  • 24 Victory point markers
  • 1 Supply board
  • 60 Inhabitants
  • 1 Scoring pad
  • Rulebook


The world of Skylands has failed, leaving behind only the fragments of floating islands. However, using their skills as mystics, the inhabitants can rebuild the islands and cities of their home world.

To do so, they will need to harness the energy of the woods, mountains, and crystals, enabling them to create special new islands and supply energy to their cities. …


  • 76 Ingredient Cards
  • 22 Recipe Cards
  • Instructions

Object of the Game

The objective is simple: Be the first to get 5 points by collecting ingredients and completing recipes.


Shuffle the blue cards and deal each player 7 cards. These will be referred to as the cards in your hand. The remaining blue cards become the draw pile and are placed in the middle of the table A.

Next to the draw pile is where cards will be discarded, face up B.

Shuffle the red recipe cards and deal each player 1 recipe. The remaining recipe cards are placed face down to the side to become the recipe draw pile C. …