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  • 56 Gloobz cards
  • 3 white Gloobz figurines
  • 3 paint pot figurines
  • 1 multi-colored Megagloobz figurine
  • 6 score trackers
  • Instructions

Object of the Game

Each Gloobz has a shape and a color. The shapes are symbolized by the three Gloobz figurines and the colors by the three paint pots. On each player's turn, a card showing Gloobz is turned over.

If the current player shouts 'More Gloobz'! before turning over the card, you need to quickly catch the figurines with the most color(s) and shape(s) on the card... but if the player shouts 'Less Gloobz!', you need to catch the figurines with the color(s) and shape(s) which are not shown at all or are shown the least. …


  • 8 latex bones
  • 81 dinosaur cards
  • 1 Fake Bone Card
  • 1 Paleontologist Card
  • instructions.

Object of the Game

To be the first to construct a dinosaur by collecting all nine bone groups of one dinosaur and to swipe a bone off the table.


Number Of Bones: Place one less bone than players in reach of all players in the middle of the table; return the other bones to the box.

Number Of Cards: Use one complete dinosaur per player plus the FAKE BONE and the paleontologist. There are nine cards per dinosaur. If there are three players, use only three dinosaurs. …


  • 2x PIrate Pete
  • 2x Pumps
  • Instructions

Getting Started

Your child will need to place the pirate in the barrel - he/she will need to hold the barrel steady with one hand, position the pirate in the hole, press down and twist.

It will stay in place when it has been inserted correctly.

The aim of the game is to insert as many plastic swords as possible into the barrel before the pirate pops out.

To insert a sword, your child should hold the barrel steady with one hand and push the sword in with the other hand, holding it between his/her finger and thumb. …

The richest farmers are looking forward to harvesting the biggest potatoes. But POTATO MAN gets the small spuds into the best potato sacks.

In this trick-taking game, the player who will be successful in the end is not necessarily the player who has taken the most tricks with his potatoes or has the most powerful cards in his hand.

Instead, you have to use cultivated cunning to turn your harvest into potato sacks filled with high-quality potatoes...


  • 14 red potato cards
  • 13 blue potato cards
  • 12 green potato cards
  • 13 yellow potato cards
  • 15 sack cards in 5 colors
  • 3 neutral sack cards
  • Instructions


Shuffle the potato cards thoroughly and deal them out according to the number of players: …


  • 55 Regular Pandas
  • 4 Big Panda
  • 4 Bamboo cards
  • Instructions

Object of the Game

Be the last Panda player to stay awake. Pandas who score 21 twice become Pooped Pandas and lose the game. That's right... points are bad!

Game Play

The role of dealer rotates clockwise, starting with the player wearing the most black and white. Deal 7 cards to each player. Place the remaining deck of cards off to one side.

A hand consists of a series of 7 'tricks', or as we prefer to call it, 'Panda Piles'! After each hand, one player will score positive points, which are bad. …


  • 360 cards
  • Instructions

Game Rules

Everyone draws 7 cards. Place the rest in a deck, face down on the table. Pick the first judge through non-violent means.

The deck plays first. Flip the top card off the deck. This is the starter panel.

The judge plays second, by placing a card from their hand on either side of the starter panel, creating a two panel setup.

The other players play a card, face down, at the end of the setup to create the punchline. The judge shuffles the punchlines and puts them face down one at a time, and then picks their favorite. …

I still remember the afternoons spent on a hill, looking at the sky while daydreaming: we stretched our hands, imagining ourselves able to grab those clouds of cotton that were flying fast up in the sky.

«Do you wanna play a game? I choose my cloud and I show it to Anna as the others keep their eyes closed. Do not peek, huh?

Anna, you'll have to tell the others what the cloud looks like, but you have to be careful about what you say: if the description is too easy, they'll guess it immediately; however, if no one guesses, I win! …

The time has come for the tribe to leave their shelter and head for new horizons. As clan chief, guide your prehistoric people through the valley. Hunt and gather food, discover safe caves for the upcoming winter, and interact with the other nomad groups. Gather your tribe and discover the valley!


  • 1 Scoretrack
  • 8 Valley personal board halves
  • 63 Tribe tiles
  • 32 Mountain tokens
  • 4 Food Point tokens
  • 4 Shelter Point tokens
  • 1 First Player token
  • 18 Mammoth Steak tokens
  • 18 Bear tokens
  • Instructions

Details of a Personal Board

Details of a tribe Tile

Object of the Game

Meet your tribe's needs in two distinct domains: Food and Shelter. To do this, connect tiles to make your way into the valley. As you connect, you will gather food and locate new caves. …

In Nessos, embody Greek heroes who imprison mythological creatures into sacred amphoras in order to offer them to the gods. If you capture enough, you will reach the rank of gods chosen One! But beware... Charon the terrible roams and will by all means try to make you take a one way trip to Hell!


  • 55 Amphora Cards
  • 40 Creature cards
  • 15 Charon cards
  • 1 first player pawn
  • Instructions

Object of the Game

During the whole game, the players must bluff in order to win the Amphora cards which represent the most interesting Creatures. …

In LEGENDARY FORESTS, players take on the role of Dryads, imaginary spirits of the forest.

Your goal is to grow a planet with the most beautiful forest. Create a planet more beautiful than your opponents' to win the victory.


  • 1 Construction token
  • 125 World tiles
  • Instructions

Object of the Game

Grow your Planet through the use of World tiles. Each turn, all players will take the same tile and add it to their personal Planet. Certain tiles will also allow players to place majestic Tree tokens. …