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An Encounter is any instance of an Intruder appearing on board in a Room where a Character is present (after drawing an Intruder to -ken from the Intruder bag).

An Encounter may also be triggered by the effects of some Event cards (like Hatching) or some of the Intruder Attack cards.

Note: An Intruder moving from one Room to another Room containing a Character does not count as an Encounter.

To resolve an Encounter, follow the steps listed below:

  1. Discard all Noise markers from all the Corridors connected to this Room (including Technical Corridors, if there is a Technical Corridors Entrance). …

Who will best furnish the palace windows with stunning panes of stained glass?


  • 9 Factory displays
  • 4 palace boards (1 of each player color)
  • 32 pattern strips (8 of each player color)
  • 4 glaziers (1 of each player color)
  • 8 markers (2 of each player color)
  • 100 pane pieces (20 of each of the 5 colors)
  • 1 scoring board
  • 1 starting player tile
  • 1 bag, 1 glass tower


The icon on top is not a space, but shows the color pattern on the opposite side of the strip.

  1. Place the Factory displays A with the orange-framed side up in a circle around the center of the table: …

Pentago Multi-Player is a truly unique multi-dimensional game. Basic play is as simple as the original and award winning game 2 player Pentago.

Start on this page to learn how to play and read the rest of the guide for basic strategy tips.


  • 9 twistable 3x3 game blocks
  • Yellow marbles
  • Red marbles
  • Green marbles
  • Blue marbles


The game starts with an empty game board. You can play two, three or four individual players against each other. Or you can play two teams of two. Or you can play a team of two against one player. Decide game marker color of each player/team and who goes first. …


Lay the gameboard out on the table. Set the Adventure cards face down near the game board.

Make sure that the 2 Wild Cards are not in the Territory card deck. Sort the Territory cards into Good cards (grey shield), Neutral (no shield), and Evil (black shield). Shuffle each deck separately and keep them face down near the board.

Each player takes the set of plastic tokens of their colour. Yellow and Green are the Free Peoples while Red and Black represent Sauron's forces. (In a 3-player game, one player will control the Free Peoples while the other two will represent Sauron). …


To set up a game of Century, follow these steps in order:

  1. Shuffle the Point cards (Golem back) to form a deck A, then draw 5 cards and place them face up in a row to the left of that deck B.

  2. Place a pile of copper tokens equal to the number of players x2 above the first (leftmost) Point card C.

    Then place a pile of silver tokens equal to the number of players x2 above the second Point card D. …


  • 90 cubes, 15 each of 6 colors.
  • one draw bag
  • one instruction booklet

Object of the Game

Build lines of color and shape strategically in order to score the most points.


You need a paper and pencil to keep the score.

Place all the cubes in the bag.

Each player draws 6 cubes and rolls them to create their deck.

Everyone plays open-handed with all of their cubes showing at all times.

Game Play

The oldest player opens the game.

On his first turn (after rolling), the first player is required to place the maximum cubes he can. …

The great thing about Small World is the variety of strategies that come up depending on what Race and Power combinations are available every game. This leads to tons of re-playability and constant challenge to your skills to evaluate the races and powers as they come up.

Not every Race and Power is equal, some are definitely better than others. One thing to watch for is when a bad Race/Power combo is getting skipped constantly because the options above are so much better. …

Variant 1: "Honor Among Spies"

In this variant, the Double Agent Movement Piece is not used. Ignore the center-most setup position in the Setup Diagram (that is, Spy "X" is removed from play at setup), and instead use only the other 12 Spies in their usual starting positions.

Variant 2: "Tight Setup"

In this variant, you do not use the darkened columns on the board that are marked with the nuclear radiation symbol. They are treated as "out of play" for all purposes.

This variant creates a tougher environment for Spies to move around in. …


  • One scoreboard
  • 84 image cards
  • 12 voting boards
  • 24 voting tokens
  • 12 wooden rabbits
  • 1 rulebook


Unfold and place the scoreboard in the middle of the table. Each player chooses a voting board and then places the rabbit of the corresponding color on the 0 space of the score- board. The 84 image cards are shuffled and 6 are dealt to each player. The remaining image cards form the draw pile.

  • In a game with 3 to 6 players, each player takes only 1 vot- ing token (no matter the color). …

In Anachrony, you are the Leader of one of New Earth's ideological Paths: Harmony, Dominance, Progress and Salvation. Your ultimate goal is to prepare for an upcoming asteroid impact, secure the future of your people, and overcome the other three Paths as the dominant ideology in shaping humanity's future.

The game is played through up to seven rounds, called Eras, each symbolizing several years. After the fourth Era, the asteroid impact occurs, changing how the remaining Eras play out, and triggering the countdown to the game end. …