
- 8 Blue cards
- 8 Green cards
- 8 Red cards
- 8 Yellow cards
- 4 Reverse cards
- 4 Skip cards
- 4 King's Choice
- 8 Jester cards
- 4 Wild cards
- 1 Crown
- 1 Jester Hat
- 1 Electronic Scepter
Object of the Game
Be the first player to get rid of all of your cards in each round and score points for the cards your opponents are left holding.
Points in rounds accumulate and the first player to reach 500 points wins.
Replacing Batteries

UNO Royal Revenge requires 2 AAA size Alkaline Batteries (not included). Use only Alkaline Batteries. Toy may not function with other types of batteries.
Unscrew battery compartment cover with a Phillips screwdriver (not included) and lift open.
Install 2 AAA size Alkaline Batteries in compartment as shown. (See Figure 1).
Replace cover by slipping tabs into place, pressing cover down and screwing shut.
Place the Crown, Jester Hat and Royal Scepter where all the players can reach them. Turn on the Royal Scepter and stand it in the center of the playing area.
Next, Each player draws a card; the player that draws the highest number deals (count any card with a symbol as zero). The dealer shuffles and deals each player 7 cards.
Place the remainder of the deck facedown to form a DRAW pile.
The top card of the DRAW pile is turned over to begin a DISCARD pile.

Game Play
The youngest player wears the crown and holds the Royal Scepter first, making them the King.
The King then chooses another player to be the Jester by waving the royal Scepter in their direction until the start sound is heard (this action also begins the timer located inside the scepter).
The chosen player must then put on the Jester Hat.
The King starts play.
On your turn, you must match a card from your hand to the card on the top of the DISCARD pile, either by number, color or symbol (symbols represent Action Cards).
Example: If the card on the DISCARD pile is a red 7, the player must put down a red card OR any color 7. Alternatively, the player can put down a Wild Dare card.

If you don't have a card that matches the one on the DISCARD pile, you must take a card from the DRAW pile. If the card you picked up can be played, you are free to put it down in the same turn. Otherwise, play moves on to the next person in turn.
You may also choose NOT to play a playable card from your hand. If so, you must draw a card from the DRAW pile. If playable, that card can be put down in the same turn, however, you may not play any other card from your hand after the draw.
Whenever the Royal Scepter sounds its FANFARE (after a minute or so), it's time for a new king!
The Crown is placed on the head of the player to the LEFT of the current king.
The new King then chooses a new Jester by waving the Royal Scepter in their direction until the start sound is heard (the new King can choose any player he or she wants to be the Jester, including the person who was just wearing the Jester Hat!).
The new Jester puts on the Jester Hat and play then continues with the new King.
Functions of Action Cards

Reverse Card - When you play this card, the direction of play reverses (if play is currently to the left, then play changes to the right, and vice versa). This card may only be played on a matching color or on another Reverse card.
If this card is turned up at the beginning of play, the dealer goes first, then play moves to the right instead of the left.

Skip Card - When you play this card, the next player is "skipped" (loses their turn). This card may only be played on a matching color or on another Skip card.
If a Skip card is turned up at the beginning of play, the player to the left of the dealer is "skipped", hence the player to the left of that player starts play.
Special Uno Royal Revenge Cards

Wild Card - When this card is played, THE KING gets to choose the color that continues play (any color including the color in play before the Wild card was laid down).
A player may play a Wild card on their turn even if they have another playable card in their hand. If a Wild card is turned up at the beginning of play, the King chooses the color that continues play.
Note: after a player is forced to draw a card due to a king's choice or jester card being played, play does not continue from that player.
For example, if player 1 plays a jester card and player 3 is the jester, after player 3 draws the card, play continues with player 2 as it would in the normal sequence of play.
+1 Card - When this card is played, a player must draw 1 card from the draw pile. Which player depends on the kind of +1 card played. There are two kinds of +1 cards: King's Choice and Jester.

King's Choice Card - when this card is played, the King chooses any player he wants and that player must draw one card from the draw pile. This card may only be played on a matching color or on another +1 card (either King's Choice or Jester).
If a King's Choice card is turned up at the beginning of play, the King decides which player must draw a card, then play continues with the King.

Jester Card - when this card is played, whoever is wearing the Jester Hat must draw one card. This card may only be played on a matching color or on another +1 card (either King's Choice or Jester).
If a Jester card is turned up at the beginning of play, whoever is wearing the Jester's Hat must draw one card, then play continues with the King.
Going out
When you play your next-to-last card, you must yell "UNO" (meaning "one") to indicate that you have only one card left. If you don't yell "UNO" and you are caught before the next player begins their turn, you must draw two cards.
Once a player has no cards left, the round is over. Points are scored and play starts over again.
If no player is out of cards by the time the DRAW pile is depleted, the DISCARD pile is reshuffled and play continues.
The first player to get rid of their cards in a round receives points for all of the cards left in their opponents' hands as follows:

Once the score for the round has been tallied, if no player has reached 500 points, reshuffle the cards and begin a new round.
End of the Game
The WINNER is the first player to reach 500 points.
Alternative Scoring and Winning
Another way to score points is to keep a running tally of the points each player is left with at the end of each round.
When one player reaches 500 points, the player with the lowest points is the winner.
Other Uno Games
- UNO Angry Birds
- UNO Attack
- UNO Blast
- UNO Boom-o
- UNO ColorAdd
- UNO Emoji
- UNO Dare
- UNO Dice
- UNO Chicago Cubs
- UNO Flash
- UNO Flip
- UNO Frozen II
- UNO Harry Potter
- UNO Minecraft
- UNO Monster High
- UNO Moo
- My First UNO
- UNO Original
- UNO Power Grab
- UNO Roboto
- UNO The Lion King
- UNO Spin
- UNO Splash
- UNO Stacko
- UNO Super Mario
- UNO Tippo
- UNO Unocorns
- UNO Wild Jackpot
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