- 80 game cards featuring 4 fun activities and exciting action cards
- Instructions
Object of the Came
Get rid of all your cards by building sets and playing action cards.
Check out your Zigity cards. There are three types of cards in the game: set cards, free cards, and action cards.
Set Card
Build sets using the items in the corners.
Free Card
Use free cards to help build sets.
Action Card
Change the order of play, make another player draw cards, or avoid drawing cards.
Shuffle the deck and deal seven cards to each player. You can look at your cards, but don't show them to anyone!
Place the rest of the deck in a stack face down. This is the draw pile.
Turn over the top card and place it face up next to the draw pile. This is the play card. (If the play card is an action card or a free card, keep turning over cards until a set card is showing).
Now you're ready to play! The person whose birthday is coming up next goes first.
Game Play
On your turn:
Do one of these three things:
Play a Set
Identify the character on the play card and build that character's set.
Be sure to use the play card in the set you build. (The other side of this sheet explains how to build each character's set).
Place your sec on top of the play card. The card you Leave on top is the play card for the next player. If you leave a free card on top, turn over cards until a set card is showing.
Note: You can play only one set per turn.
Play an Action Card
You can always play an action card on any turn, even if you could play a set. Select one action card from your hand and place it on top of the play card. (The other side of this sheet explains how each action card works).
Draw a Card
If you can't play a set and you don't have any action cards, draw one card from the draw pile.
Now your turn is over. Play passes to the next player.
Play Sets
Creative Cat
Complete the puzzle.
Use the puzzle piece on the play card AND the puzzle pieces on any of your cards to complete the puzzle.
A Creative Cat set always has three cards.
Star Performer
Match the instrument.
Use the musical Instrument on the play card AND the matching instruments on any of your cards to complete a set.
You can make a Star Performer set with one or more matching instruments.
Data Head
Add to 11.
Use the number on the play card AND the numbers on any of your cards to add to 11.
You can use as many or few cards as you want, but your set must add to 11 exactly.
Word Worm
Spell a word.
Use the letter on the play card AND the letters on any of your set cards to spell a word.
- Your word can be as long or short as you want.
- The letter on the play card can appear anywhere in your word.
Free Card
Use when you need help completing a set.
Use a free card to represent a letter, a number (1 to 10), a puzzle piece, or an instrument.
- When you use a free card in a set, explain how you are using it.
- A free card can't be used as an action card.
- If the new play card is a free card, turn over cards until a set card is showing.
Play Action Cards
Skip your turn
Play a dodge card to skip your turn.
if you can't complete a set, you can play a dodge card to avoid drawing a card.
if other action cards have been played to make you draw cards on your turn, you can play a dodge card to make the next player draw the cards.
Make the next player draw cards.
When you play a draw card, the next player has two options:
play any action card. Now that person's turn is over.
draw the number of cards shown, then turn over a new set card. Now that person's turn is over.
Note: If the player before you plays a draw card, you can play another draw card on top of it.
The next player has to draw the total number of cards indicated by the original draw card plus your draw card.
Reverse the order of play.
Play a bounce card to reverse the order of play.
if other action cards have been played to make you draw cards on your turn, you can play a bounce card to reverse play and make the player before you draw the cards.
if you can't complete a set, you can play a bounce card to reverse play and end your turn without drawing a card.
in a two-player game, the bounce card works the same way as a dodge card.
Remember to turn over a new set card from the draw pile after the action is complete.
End of the Game
If you are the first player to get rid of all your cards, you've won Zigity!
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