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When a Survivor dice as the Dice used. If the active Survivor has two identical weapons with the Dual symbol equipped in hand, he can use both weapons at the same time at the cost of a single Combat Action. Both weapons must be aimed at the same Zone.

Examples: Doug has two Sub MGs in his hands. The Sub MG has the Dual symbol, so Doug can shoot them both with a single Action. This allows him to roll six dice in a single roll, as the Sub MG has a Dice number of 3! …

Object of the Game

Reduce your opponent's life total to 0 before your opponent does the same to you! You also win if your opponent has to draw a card when none are left in his or her library.


You start the game with 20 life.

Roll dice (or flip a coin) to see which player gets to choose who goes first. Whoever goes first skips the first draw step (that player doesn't get to draw a card). If you've just played a game, the loser of that game decides who goes first. …

There are 33 Standard buildings. Depending on the number of players, not all buildings are used. The 33 Standard buildings include 9 Craftsman's buildings, 6 Economic buildings, 10 Industrial buildings, 4 Public buildings and 4 Non-buildings. There are a total of 6 Fishermen and 8 Hammers on the buildings.


(C, Sort order 09, Value 8, Entry fee: 2 Francs, Building material: 1 wood, 1 clay and 1 iron).

The player may upgrade any number of cattle to meat by turning over the tokens. In addition, she receives 1 hide for every 2 cattle that are slaughtered (rounded down). She receives 1 hide for slaughtering 2-3 cattle, 2 for slaughtering 4-5 cattle, etc. Hides are only a byproduct of slaughtering cattle. They may be upgraded to leather. …


  • 4 each of 1-10 cards
  • 4 Poseidon cards
  • _3 Ares cards
  • 3 Athena cards
  • 3 Hermes cards
  • 2 Aphrodite cards
  • 2 Apollo cards
  • 2 Artemis cards
  • 1 Hera card
  • Zeus figurine

Object of the Game

Be the first player to spell Z-E-U-S over several rounds by holding onto the Zeus figurine each time Mount Olympus reaches 100.


  1. Before playing, take a few moments to get familiar with the eight Greek gods and their respective powers.
  2. Shuffle the deck and deal four cards to each player. (Look at your cards but keep them secret from opponents).
  3. Stack the remainder of the deck face down in the center of the playing area to form a draw pile.
  4. Place the Zeus figurine next to the draw pile.

Game Play

Zeus on the Loose is played in rounds, starting with the person whose first name is closest to Z. …

Every character in Citadels has a unique special power. You may use your character's power once at any point during your turn; however, you are never required to use a special power should you choose not to. Each character's power is summarized on its card and is detailed over the next few pages.

Note: Characters who receive income for certain types of districts in their cities (the King, Emperor, Bishop, Abbot, Merchant, Warlord, and Diplomat) may use their power to receive this gold at any point in their turn. Thus you may choose to receive your income either before building new districts (if you need the gold in order to build the districts), or after building new districts (to gain income from the newly built district). You cannot, however, do both. …

The nine gods featured in the game were all members of the Olympians, the principal gods in the pantheon of Greek mythology. They were all said to have lived atop Mount Olympus, the highest mountain in Greece, in lavish palaces. Here are a few highlights about each god:


(zoose), was the supreme ruler of the Olympians and greatest of all the Greek gods. He was often portrayed holding a bolt of ligntning as he ruled the sky and controlled thunder, lightning and rain. …

  • Apprentice: The Apprentice can swap places with any villager in any Village that is covered by another card in its Production Chain. He can be used in other player's Villages, or in your own. T

    he card he swaps places with must then be placed in your Village immediately, following the normal rules for placing Villagers. Using the Apprentice only uses up one build action, not two.

    Though the Apprentice cannot be used to steal another player's Founders (as stated in the rules for Special Villagers), he can be used on your own Founders, if they have at least one card placed on top of them. If you do you can choose which side of them you place face-up. …

Planning Ahead In The Game

This is how you can better plan your moves:

These types of game situations are what give "COTTAGE Garden" its special appeal.

The Flower Tile on C3 looks attractive in this game situation, because in the next turn the tile on D2 will be available. However, this will only be available if the next player passes over this exact Flower Tile. If you are interested in the Flower Tile on C2, you could simply ignore it this turn, as this tile is sure to be available on your next turn. The tile on C4 can be ignored too, as an identical tile will be available next turn on A2. …

This version has the exact same rules as the basic version EXCEPT you add in Action Cards, Goat Gold, Luck Pile, and more strategy!

Gaining and Using Action Cards

Goat Gold (Flip)

To gain an action card, you need to gain two goat gold or FLIP your goat gold card twice. To flip your goat gold, you must add a goat pair or pile to your herd.

When you are at ONE Goat Gold, and you win again, you automatically pick up an action card and then flip your goat gold back to zero. …

Foot Unit Movement

The following unit types are all classified as foot units:

  • Light infantry units (light infantry, light sling infantry, light bow infantry) may move one or two hexes and battle.
  • Auxilia infantry units may move one hex and battle or move two hexes and not battle. Auxilia units are classed as Light foot units for the purposes of being ordered to move and taking hits.
  • Medium infantry units may move one hex and battle.
  • Warrior infantry units may move one hex and battle or move two hexes and battle if the second hex takes them adjacent to an enemy unit (warriors can only move two hexes in order to battle in Close Combat, and this Close Combat is compulsory after a two-hex "charge"). Warrior units are classed as Medium foot units for the purposes of being ordered to move and taking hits.
  • Heavy infantry units may move one hex and battle.
  • Heavy War machine units may move one hex but may not battle when they move. Heavy war machine units are classed as Heavy foot units for the purposes of being ordered to move and taking hits.

Mounted Unit Movement

The following unit types are all classified as mounted units: …