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Strasbourg in the 15th century. The city's fortunes are powerfully influenced by the craft guilds who occasionally even occupy the majority of seats on the city council.

You take on the roles of the city's ambitious families. Your goal is to get your own family members admitted to the guilds. Only the clever use of Influence Points will make it possible for them to be accepted as an Apprentice, Journeyman, or even a Master-provided that you have the money for the appropriate entrance fees on hand. But never underestimate the power of the Nobility and the Church! …


  • 6 dice ( 2 white, 1 red, 1 green, 1 blue, 1 yellow)
  • 1 score pad

Object of the Game

Score the most points by crossing out as many numbers in the four color-rows as possible while avoiding penalty points.


Each player takes a score sheet and something to write with.

Before playing it's important to understand the one basic rule of Qwixx, which is that numbers must be crossed out from left to right in each of the four color-rows.

You do not have to begin with the number farthest to the left, but if you skip any numbers, they cannot be crossed out afterward. …

Q: If a Monster has its resistance reduced to 0 (thanks to Mylfaar's power or the Standard Bastion tile), is it automatically discarded?

A: No, it's only vanquished if a Hero performs the Combat action against that monster (the success in combat is then automatic).

Q: Is a Hero required to move / perform an action?

A : No, the Move and Act actions are optional.

Q: Can a hero have more Life tokens than they had at the beginning of the game?

A: Yes, the Life tokens are only limited by the number of tokens in the reserve. …

For 2 Players

The game is played as normal except that:

  • The players choose to be East or West Wind

  • No Chows are allowed (no Chow points or bonuses can be used)

  • No player can go Mahjong until their hand contains 4 pairs or can reach 500 points

  • East Wind doesn't pay/receive double their Mahjong score

For 3 Players

The game is played as normal except that:

  • The players choose from three Winds, which must include East

  • No Chows are allowed (no Chow points or bonuses can be used) …

Watson and Holmes Cards

These represent the heroes of Baker Street and they give the player who uses them an extra action.

The Dr Watson Card can only be used once per round, whilst Sherlock Holmes only enters the game when a player has unsuccessfully attempted to solve the game.

Dr. Watson

A player on his turn, and during the Visiting Phase, can pay 4 Carriage Tokens and place the Dr Watson Card in front of himself.

In this same round and just before the start of the Investigation Phase, the holder of the card may choose that the Location Card of another player be read out loud (no card marked with the (^symbol can be read aloud). …

Here is a list of official expansions:

Here is a list of fan-made expansions:

  • Who takes the first move in a round?

    Whenever a Round card is turned to the ship side, the number at the right of the new Round card shows which player will take the first move in the new round: "1" is the Starting player, "2" is the next player, etc. This ensures that players remember to turn over the resolved Round card. In the shortened version of the game, use the lower number in the lightcolored box.

  • The Buttery

    (A Buttery is a food storeroom) …

Every player fashions his own world full of exotic animals and a variety of landscapes with the help of tiles and a board. While doing so, it's important to keep a sharp eye on the time and the other players, because everything happens simultaneously until the timer runs out. Whoever is able to jump out at the right time can reap a couple more bonus points.

After three turns, the player who has collected the most points wins the game.

In the advanced game, scoring modifiers increase the fun. And the expert game constantly provides new challenges through various additional tasks. …

After playing the learning scenario, players are ready to learn the rest of the core rules needed to play a full game of Star Wars: Armada. This includes using obstacles, building fleets, and using objectives.

Line Of Sight And Obstruction

When a ship or squadron attacks, it must trace line of sight from itself to its target. Squadrons and ships have different points from which line of sight is determined, as follows:

Squadron: When tracing line of sight to or from a squadron, trace the line using the point on the squadron's base that is closest to the opposing squadron or hull zone. …

You stand in the middle of the forest and take in a deep breath of fresh air. You can feel that today must be your lucky day. Over the last week sunshine and rain have taken turns to create the perfect environment for a luscious harvest of savory mushrooms.

Advice from the local populace is also giving you a boost in confidence. Equipped with a large basket, you started early in the day - before dawn under the glow of moonlight. You even packed a pan, some butter and cidre so that the reward come nightfall will be a feast around your campfire of all the savory mushrooms you have gathered. It is going to be a beautiful day! …