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Game Components

  • Rules
  • 30 Roll For It! cards
  • 24 dice (6 dice in 4 colors)


Each player chooses all six dice of one color.

Shuffle the Roll For It! cards and place the deck face down in the center of the table.

Deal three cards face up. If you're playing with two decks and 5+ players, deal four instead.

All players roll two dice; the highest total goes first.

Tutorial Video

Game Play

Players take turns rolling their dice.

On your turn:

  1. Roll for it! Roll your dice once per turn. The number of dice available for you to roll will change during the game, so you'll want to take great care in managing them as play progresses. …

The munchkins are dead, but that won't stop them! They're zombies, and they go up levels by eating tasty BRAAAIINNNS!

Munchkin Zombies is based on the original Munchkin and can be combined with it or with any other Munchkin set (see the last page).

The foes in this game are mostly normal people just trying not to get eaten, but the rules still refer to "monsters", for consistency with earlier games. You're zombies. You don't know any better.

The foes that are not normal people are rogue zombies. They're just as tasty as everyone else. …

Game Components

  • The Game Board with 2 sides (1 with a sun and 1 with a moon).
  • 53 Province Cards
  • 25 War Chest Cards
  • 5 Special Cards
  • 10 Action Cards
  • 12 Event Cards
  • 5 Daimyo Cards
  • 5 Individual Boards
  • 310 Colored Cubes representing player armies, with 62 in each player color
  • 20 Green Cubes - representing neutral farmer armies
  • 55 War Chests
  • 5 Victory Point Markers
  • 5 Rice Markers
  • 80 Building Tiles - 28 castles, 26 temples, and 26 Nô theaters.
  • 42 Revolt Markers
  • 1 3-Part Battle Tower
  • 1 Storage Tray
  • 1 Supplement
  • 1 Set of Game Rules

Object of the game

As warlords in 16th-century Japan, the players attempt to secure a position of dominance for their respective clans. The most successful Daimyo at the end of the game will become SHOGUN. …


  • Game board
  • 42 special action cards
  • 24 territory tokens
  • 76 shielded unit markers
  • 4 opaque reserve bags
  • Unit Markers with Inserts


Lay out the game board and place each territory token on its respective territory. The map contains 24 territories, each divided up into three Zones.

Note: 8 of the Territories contain cities whose benefit is described below. The City territories include: North Hold, Rocky Wild, Lookout Ledge, Keyfort, Ravenfall, Castleburg and Mammoth Bay.

There are several mountain ranges on the board which are impassable to all units. The mountains cannot be moved into or attacked from. …

Game Components

  • Score Board
  • 5 Two-sided Player Boards
  • Rulebook
  • Progress Board
  • 13 workers
  • 5 player discs
  • Book
  • Scoring pad
  • Progress Cards
  • Event Cards
  • Player order cards
  • Player aid tile
  • Solo Event tiles
  • Food, Stone, Gold, VP tokens
  • War, Roumd, Architect, Used tokens
  • 6 side die


Each player takes a Player Board. When playing for the first time you should use A-sides. When playing with B-sides, Player boards are chosen in reverse player order after Scoring and Progress Board setup.

Shuffle the Event Card decks for each age separately. Place the Event Card decks for ages II-IV aside for now. For your first game leave out Advanced and Expert cards. …

Game Components

  • 1 Sgame board
  • 180 tiles
  • 48 VP tokens
  • 16 suns
  • 1 Ra figure
  • 1 cloth bag


Place the game board in the middle of the table. It has two different tile tracks: the upper with 10 spaces (the Ra track) and the lower with 8 spaces (the auction track). There are tables on the bottom and top that summarize the fame points which are scored at the end of each epoch.

Carefully remove the tiles from their frame before the first game. Place them in the bag and mix them thoroughly. The area on the table in front of each player is his play area (described below). This is where he places his suns and the tiles he acquires. …

The following Challenge Rules are optional and may be used to add variety and complexity to the game.

Rule 1: Densely Populated

During Setting Up, players may place up to two People tokens on any Land tiles except the Land tiles adjacent to sea spaces on the outer rim of the island. Only one People token can be placed on each Land tile adjacent to sea spaces on the outer rim of the island./

Rule 2: Leave No One Behind

The game ends when the last People token is removed from the game board (by either being saved or removed by a creature or whirlpool). If the Volcano tile is revealed, play it as a Whirlpool tile instead and then continue the game if there are any remaining People tokens on the game board. …

Game Components

  • 55 game tiles
  • 18 colony tiles
  • 18 colonist cards
  • 17 ship cards
  • 10 additional action cards
  • 45 ducat cards
  • 30 expedition cards
  • 4 supply boards
  • 4 development boards
  • 20 auction markers
  • 20 success markers
  • 50 spice sacks
  • 1 game board


Place the game board in the middle of the table.

Sort the game tiles by their back sides (A & B). Shuffle the 27 A game tiles face down and place them face up randomly on the 5 x 5 grid on the game board (= the playing area).

Place the 2 unused A game tiles face down without looking at them back in the box. The B game tiles are used in part B of the game; place them in the box for now. …

There are 6 types of Buildings in the Classic Mode of Quadropolis.

  • Each type of Building has its own scoring mode that depends on various factors such as its distribution, its location, and also whether it is adjacent to other specific Buildings or not.

    Diagonally positioned Tiles are NEVER considered to be adjacent.

  • Scoring modes for each type of Building are available on the Helpers.

Remember: a Building must be activated in order to score VPs at the end of the game. The type of Resources required to activate a Building are identified with a small icon at the bottom right of each Building. …

What's Spot it!

Spot it! consists of 55 cards, with 8 symbols per card from the 50 available.

Each card is decorated with universal images or words for early readers, including sight words.

There is only one identical symbol in common between each card, it is up to you to find out which one.

Practicing reading comprehension has never been so much fun! Focus your eyes, ready your hand and put your brain to work.

Before playing...

If you've never played or if you're playing with people who've never played before, draw two random cards and place them face-up on the table between all the players. …