The following Challenge Rules are optional and may be used to add variety and complexity to the game.
Rule 1: Densely Populated

During Setting Up, players may place up to two People tokens on any Land tiles except the Land tiles adjacent to sea spaces on the outer rim of the island. Only one People token can be placed on each Land tile adjacent to sea spaces on the outer rim of the island./
Rule 2: Leave No One Behind
The game ends when the last People token is removed from the game board (by either being saved or removed by a creature or whirlpool). If the Volcano tile is revealed, play it as a Whirlpool tile instead and then continue the game if there are any remaining People tokens on the game board.
Rule 3: Everyone is Equal
The winner of the game is the player with the most People tokens on safe islands when the game ends. The number on the bottom of each People token is ignored.
Rule 4: Atlantis is Gone
The game ends immediately when the last Land tile is removed from the game board. When the Volcano tile is revealed, play it as a Whirlpool tile instead and then continue the game if there are any remaining Land tiles on the game board.
Rule 5: Dolphins and Diving Creatures

This Challenge Rule makes use of the four Dolphin tokens and the two blue Dive dice. Do not use the red Creature die when using this rule.
When a Land tile is revealed with this symbol:
Do the following instead of the standard rule for this tile:
- Reveal the tile to all players.
- Place a Dolphin token in the sea space where the Land tile had been.
- Remove the Land tile from the game (instead of placing it into your hand).
All Creatures, including the Dolphins, are moved using the Dive dice.
In step 4, roll both Dive dice (instead of the Creature die).
One of the Dive dice has symbols that indicate whether you may move a Sea Serpent, Shark, Whale, Dolphin, or unoccupied Boat. The Starfish symbol is "wild" which means that you can move one Sea Serpent, Shark, Whale, Dolphin, or unoccupied Boat of your choice.
The other one of the Dive dice has numbers (1, 1, 2, 2, 3) which indicate the maximum number of sea spaces that you can move the Creature or unoccupied Boat that you rolled with the other die. The die also has a D on one side.
If a D is rolled, move the Creature or unoccupied Boat that you rolled with the other die to any vacant sea space on the game board. This indicates that the Creature has "Dived" to this space or that the unoccupied Boat has "Drifted" to this space due to the wind and turbulent water surrounding Atlantis.
Note that you cannot move an occupied Boat using the Dive dice, even if you control the Boat.
If a Sea Serpent, Shark, or Whale enters a sea space occupied by something it could attack (as per the "Using the Roll of the Die" section above), the Creature's move ends.
The Dolphins are the good guys! When a Dolphin moves onto a sea space occupied by a Swimmer (or vice versa), the Swimmer is safe from attack by Sea Serpents and Sharks.
However, a Dolphin can only protect one Swimmer at a time. Normally the first Swimmer to join the Dolphin is the protected one. If you move a Dolphin into a sea space with multiple Swimmers, you choose the protected one (placing the People token right against the Dolphin token as an indication).
Several Dolphins could be in the same sea space, each protecting a different Swimmer. Beware, if the Dolphin is moved away from your protected Swimmer by another player and a Sea Serpent or Shark is in the same sea space, the Swimmer is removed from the game.
A Dolphin may share a sea space with other Creatures and with Boats. When you move a protected Swimmer during step 2 under "Game Play" above, you may move the Dolphin along with it (but only one sea space per turn as per the rules on moving Swimmers).
When you move a Dolphin with the Dive dice and the Dolphin is in a sea space with multiple Swimmers, you can use that move to switch the Dolphin's protection to another Swimmer without moving the Dolphin to another space.
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