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  • 106 U-BUILD Bricks
  • 4 Mouse Marbles
  • 1 Trap Part
  • 1 Space Boot Part
  • 1 Die
  • 1 Gameboard
  • 4 Small Cardboard Cheese Hills
  • 1 Large Cardboard Cheese Mountain
  • 1 Label Sheet
  • Assembly Guide
  • 8 Walls


  1. Follow the instructions in the separate assembly guide to build your game before you start playing!

  2. Pick a color: green, red, blue or white. Sit closest to that color cheese plate. Take your matching color mouse marble and spaceship. Place the spaceship on either of your color landing circles.

    Place your mouse on top of your spaceship. All other players do the same. …

We advise beginners first to play a few games to familiarize with how the game works.

The rules of Othello are so simple that you can learn them in one minute, although it takes maybe a lifetime to master the game.

Let's overview some principles and ideas that will help you to win games.

Othello is a game of skill. Luck rarely affects the outcome of a game. The player who can better apply the strategic principles of the game will consistently win against less well-informed players. …

Clarifications and Advice On 'using The Characters

Mycroft Holmes

If a player uses the Mycroft action early in the game, he could have an advantage. On the other hand, he could become the preferred target for the other players when using the Dr Watson Card.

Martha Hudson

With the help of Mrs Hudson you can spend your Carriages freely during the game, safe in the knowledge that she allows you to enter 221B Baker Street first, should another player attempt to solve the case at the same time as you. …

If you have played the original Betrayal at House on the Hill, many things in this game will be familiar. However, there are a few new things.

  1. There is a campaign mode, guided by the Legacy deck.

    Each game, after you've set up, draw the top card of the Legacy deck, read it aloud, and continue to draw and read cards, one at a time, until instructed to PAUSE or STOP.

  2. There are new terms: bury, heal, critical, and general damage.

    There are no discard piles. Any time you would discard a tile or card, instead bury that tile or card by placing it at the bottom of its deck or stack, face down. …

The solitaire game is played against a virtual player, whom we shall name "Hal" for the following explanation.


Set up the game as you usually would for a two-player game, with the following exceptions: You start the game with 6 resources, 6 tiles, and 6 success points, but you receive neither Character cards nor New Hand tokens.

Hal has access to all the resources (the general supply is his personal supply). Hal starts the game with neither success points nor tiles.

In a game against Hal, you are always the first player. …

The Primitive Species variant allows players to start a game of March of the Ants with unique abilities and drawbacks. Each primitive species encourages certain styles of play and rewards players for utilizing their powers.

Primitive Colonies: Each primitive species has a reduced Royal Decree of two food or four larvae.

Randomly assign a Nest Mat to each player. Each player may then choose to play as the Common Meadow Ant or as the Primitive Species found on the backside of the Nest Mat. …

After a few games, you may want to take a new challenge with the Expert Mode. This variant is reserved to players who master the Classic mode and want to add a new twist to their games.

It also lasts longer as you will play 5 rounds instead of 4.

The paragraphs below explain the different set up and gameplay modifications.

Expert Set Up

Follow the Classic setup, with the following exceptions:

Player Mat

Use your Player Mat on its Expert side.

The city is composed of 5 Districts, each with a different background. …

Sometimes getting your gaming group together is hard, but that doesn't mean that you can't play Viticulture. These rules provides rules for playing Viticulture solitaire against an artificial opponent called the "Automa".

Object of the Game

Have more victory points (VPs) than the Automa at the end of the game, which consists of 7 years.


Set up your own vineyard as usual.

  1. Choose a player color for the Automa and place that VP marker on the win space on the victory point track.
  2. Place 1 glass token on each row of the wake-up chart.
  3. Shuffle the Automa deck and place it next to the wake-up chart.
  4. Remove any visitor cards that only give you a benefit if another player takes an action. Alternatively you can keep them in the deck and just redraw when you draw one of them.

Game Play

The game plays out season by season using the 2-player action spaces (the far-left space on each action). …

In War of the Ring, Frodo and Sam are inseparable and are represented collectively as the Ring-bearers. As told in The Lord of the Rings, the two Hobbits are accompanied by a number of Companions, chosen from among the Free Peoples of Middle-earth.

These Characters together form the Fellowship of the Ring. While Frodo and Sam are bent on reaching Mount Doom to complete their quest, the other Companions have a choice: they can stay and protect the Fellowship, or, in time, leave the Fellowship in order to help the Free Peoples of the West in their struggle against the Shadow. …

Now you know how to play Move cards to provide Move points. Next, let's explain how to spend them to move your figure across the map.

Move Costs

The Move cost of each terrain type is depicted on the Day/ Night board, represented by the large number. A red "X" means that this terrain is inaccessible. Ignore the small blue numbers for now; they are for Night Rounds.

To move your figure, you must spend Move points provided by cards you have played. You can move to any space adjacent to your space unless that terrain is inaccessible. You can move as far as you want, as long as you have enough Move points to do so. …