If you have played the original Betrayal at House on the Hill, many things in this game will be familiar. However, there are a few new things.
There is a campaign mode, guided by the Legacy deck.
Each game, after you've set up, draw the top card of the Legacy deck, read it aloud, and continue to draw and read cards, one at a time, until instructed to PAUSE or STOP.
There are new terms: bury, heal, critical, and general damage.
There are no discard piles. Any time you would discard a tile or card, instead bury that tile or card by placing it at the bottom of its deck or stack, face down.
Heal allows you to reset a trait to its starting value if it's below that value. A trait is critical when it is 1 step above the skull. General damage may be allocated to any trait.
There is an outside region.
At the start of each game you'll put out the Front Steps tile, which is adjacent to the Entrance Hall and is the Landing tile for the outside region.
Item and Event cards are drawn only in certain regions.
When you draw Item or Event cards, you'll draw ones that match the region you're exploring in, just like tiles.
Some tiles have new features: secret passages, Runestones, ghosts, or more than one symbol.
Secret passages allow you to move between rooms that aren't adjacent to each other. Runestones are sometimes important in a haunt.
Ghosts power up Omen cards and sometimes make Events worse. On tiles with more than one symbol, resolve each symbol from left to right when the tile is discovered.
You turn Item and Omen cards sideways to mark they are used.
Cards have two states: used and unused. When you've used an Item or Omen card, turn it sideways. At the start of your turn, straighten used cards to show that they're ready to use again.
Sometimes cards get altered.
Some cards will get names. Some will get stickered. Some will have checkboxes filled on them.
Once per game, when you draw an Item card from the deck that has space for an Heirloom sticker, you may choose to make it your family's heirloom.
What you can do on a turn is organized into actions.
When you want to do something other than move, you use an action (such as DRINK, ATTACK, or INVOKE). You can use each action word only once on your turn.
Haunts trigger differently during the campaign and in free play after the campaign.
Look at the Legacy deck to see what you need to do for the haunt to start in that chapter.
The haunts use colored boxes to explain your goals.
Each step needed to win a haunt, plus any optional steps and other facts, are listed in order, each in their own box. See "Learning the Haunt" for examples of what these boxes look like.
Also, goals and effects scale with the number of players in the game, indicated by three numbers in braces in the haunt books, such as {12/15/20}. In this case, 12 is for three players, 15 is for four, and 20 is for five.
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