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Two-four alchemical mages vie for control of ancient monuments and Places of Power. As a mage, use your magical essences and items to build artifacts, activate their powers, and command dragons. The mage with the most points wins!

Each mage begins with 1 of each essence, 3 artifacts in hand, and 1 magic item. During a round, you'll collect essences and then do 1 action each turn, until everyone passes. The goal is to have the most points, 10 or more, when victory is checked.


  • 40 Artifact cards
  • 5 Places of Power
  • 10 Mage cards
  • First Player token
  • 10 Monument cards
  • 8 Magic items
  • 150 essence tokens
  • 12 "5x" essence chips
  • 4 reference cards
  • Summary tile

Mages and items are chosen during setup and begin in play. Each round, when a player passes, they will turn in their item for a new one. …

You are all cryptozoologists, trying to be the first to discover definitive proof of a cryptid in the wilds of North America. Each player will be given a unique clue - one piece of crucial information about where the creature lives. When combined, the clues identify a single space on the map - the creature's habitat.

Each player's clue either states an area where the creature can be found, or where it cannot be found, based on the terrain and structures on the board. During the game, you will ask each other questions with the aim of guessing each other's clues. The first player to correctly use all of the clues to find the habitat wins the game. …


  • 1 Game Board
  • 36 Floor Cubes
  • 12 Rooftops
  • 6 Company Certificates
  • 3 Building Permits
  • 1 Cancel Cube
  • 1 Mayor
  • 2 Linen Bags
  • 60 Checks
  • Rulebook


1 Place the Game board in the middle of the table.

2 Place the 6 Company Certificates near Main Street.

3 All 36 Floor cubes are put into one of the linen bags. Randomly draw out 24 of the Floor cubes. Place them numbered side up in 3 rows of 8 cubes each beside the board. The 12 remaining Floor cubes are not used in this game and are returned to the box. …


  • Game Grid
  • 21 Red Discs
  • 21 Gold Discs
  • 2 Legs
  • 2 Base Pieces
  • Lever
  • Lever Housing
  • Funnel
  • 2 Label Sheets
  • Character Card
  • Rulebook


Object of the Game

Be the first to land 4-in-a-row.


Put Om Nom under the grid. One player takes the red discs and the other player takes the gold discs.

Game Play

Red player goes first. On your turn:

  1. Put disc in rope.

  2. Pull back.

    Note: The farther you pull back, the farther your disc will go.

  3. Lets go!

    Note: If the disc doesn't land in the grid, try again. …

In a game of Specter Ops, one player is an A.R.K agent who has just infiltrated Raxxon Global's abandoned pharmaceutical facility in an attempt to expose information about Raxxon's past.

The other player(s) are Raxxon hunters, genetically or mechanically enhanced humans tasked with hunting down A.R.K. agents and nullifying the threat they pose to Raxxon.


  • 1 Game Board
  • 1 Pad of Movement Sheets
  • 5 Hunter Figures
  • 4 Secret Role Cards
  • 4 Agent Character Cards
  • 8 Hunter Character Cards
  • 1 Sand Timer
  • 4 Agent Figures
  • 1 6-Sided Dice
  • 1 Dual-Sided Vehicle Card
  • 29 Tokens
  • 17 Equipment Cards
  • 1 Rulebook

Character Card

  1. Name: The name of the character
  2. Abilities: The effects the character has on the game
  3. +A gent or Hunter: The character will either be an agent or a hunter

Equipment Card

  1. Name: The name of the equipment
  2. Type: The type of equipment
  3. Effect: The effect the equipment has when used
  4. Unique Symbol: Some equipment can only be used by specific agents
  5. Charges: The number of times the equipment can be used per game before it is discarded

Vehicle Card

  1. Name: The name of the vehicle
  2. Move: The maximum number of spaces the vehicle can be moved in a round.
  3. Abilities: The effect the vehicle has on the game



The main portion of these rules describes the setup and game play for the 2-3 players. …

Q: How do effects like Ancient Atlas, Earthquake, and the Explorer's special ability interact?

A: Apply the effects in the order they occur. The Explorer's special ability is applied at the time of the dice rolL Regarding Earthquake, note that it is possible for a target number to be raised above 6.

If this happens, you will need to spend mystic energy or find another way to increase the value of the die rolL If a target number is reduced to below 1, your Atlantean automatically succeeds. …

Team Malarky

This version allows for more than six players to participate. One team is handed the Concealing Folders and as in regular play, all but one will be holding a bluff card. Each player on this team of "givers" must present a unique answer to the Imponderable question.

It's up to the team of "receivers" to confer and to agree on one choice as a group. If the receivers are correct in identifying the real answer, they earn one point. If the givers fool the receivers, then the givers earn one point. The first team to gain seven points wins. …

Steampunk Rally is a card-drafting, dice-placement game. You will be rolling and placing dice on your Invention to generate Motion, gain more dice, prevent & repair damage, and discard used dice.

Improve the efficiency of your Invention by adding Machine Parts. Harness the power of various Boost technologies, utilizing them to thwart your rival Inventors and achieve victory!

The game is played over a series of rounds until one player's Invention crosses the Finish Line, at which point one final round is played. The player furthest past the Finish Line after the final round is declared the winner! …

  • Due to certain event cards, your discard pile may become larger than your action pile. In this case, do not discard a card when you play an action card. Your action and discard piles must end each chapter with 6 cards each.

  • If you are required to discard cards that would result in more than 6 cards in your discard pile, discard only enough cards to fill your discard pile to 6 cards.

  • Whenever you choose to [or are forced to] forego your action [for example when you are called before the royal court], you must still play one card face- up to your action pile and discard another face-down to your discard pile. In such a case, the action of the face-up card isn't carried out. …

Your flying machine is about to dock at a secret power platform that floats 7,000 feet above the ground. As you descend, you catch a glimpse of a rocket poking out of the fog. If your team can power this rocket, you'll be able to blast off with the hope of finally finding the Archean's long-lost civilization.

In order to succeed in your mission, you will have to explore the platform and wire together all the necessary components (capacitors, lightning rods, and the launch pad) into a true electrical circuit. Your problem? …