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Lizard Cult

The Cult relies on word of mouth and beak to spread its gospel, and new enclaves can spring up anywhere on the map. Where the Cult rules clearings, they can build gardens, which will further radicalize the animals that live there.

While other factions spend cards to achieve their aims, the Cult acts chiefly by revealing cards and gradually drafting the ideal set of followers. Unless used for scoring, these cards are not spent and are returned to the Cult's hand during Evening. …

You are the mayor of a town on the island of Machi Koro. Life's pretty laid back: You usually roll into work a few hours late, shake some hands, grab lunch, maybe take a nap, then head home. It's a good job. Super low pressure.

One day, a mayor on the other side of the island decided to build some new establishments. The citizens started visiting these establishments, and talking about establishments, and talking about building more establishments. Things got competitive, and suddenly you had to work at your job. …


  • 19 Blue cards - 0 to 9
  • 19 Green cards - 0 to 9
  • 19 Yellow cards - 0 to 9
  • 19 Red cards - 0 to 9
  • 8 Draw Two cards
  • 8 Reverse cards
  • 8 Skip cards
  • 4 Wild cards
  • 4 Wild Draw Four cards
  • 4 Sorting Hat Cards

Object of the Game

Be the first player to get rid of all of your cards in each round and score points for the cards your opponents are left holding. Points in rounds accumulate and the first player to reach 500 points wins.


  1. Each player draws a card; the player that draws the highest number deals (count any card with a symbol as zero).
  2. The dealer shuffles and deals each player 7 cards.
  3. Place the remainder of the deck facedown to form a DRAW pile.
  4. The top card of the DRAW pile is turned over to begin a discard pile.

Game Play

The person to the left of the dealer starts play. …

  • Start with a game board piece with low development costs. That way, you will have more money available for your service and utility buildings.

  • Use the opportunity to exchange construction cards. That will let you save cards for later that can't help you at the moment.

  • Try to construct utility buildings at the edge, where they won't bother anyone. You can also try building them in still-empty districts, thereby gaining the prerequisite for ending a Milestone.

  • In the "Stage I" cards, you will find the simple, inexpensive service buildings that have benefits that you can use right away. Of course, you will have to be sure to build the zones directly adjacent to each other.

    Therefore, build them in such a way that you can add adjacent zones on many sides. Keep in mind that they can also be used for an adjacent game board piece once you play the next Milestone. …


  • 19 Blue cards
  • 19 Green cards
  • 19 Red cards
  • 19 Yellow cards
  • 8 Draw Two cards
  • 8 Reverse cards
  • 8 Skip cards
  • 4 Wild cards
  • 4 Wild Draw Four cards
  • 4 Creeper Cards

Object of the Game

Be the first player to get rid of all of your cards in each round and score points for the cards your opponents are left holding. Points in rounds accumulate and the first player to reach 500 points wins.


1. Each player draws a card; the player that draws the highest number deals (count any card with a symbol as zero). …

From the craggy hillsides of Edinburgh to the sunlit docks of Constantinople, from the dusty alleys of Pamplona to a windswept station in Berlin, Ticket to Ride Europe takes you on a new train adventure through the great cities of turn-of-the-century Europe.

Will you risk a trip through the dark tunnels of Switzerland? Venture aboard a ferry on the Black Sea? Or erect lavish train stations in the great capitals of the old empires? Your next move might just make you Europe's greatest train magnate! …


  • Board Map of Nordic Countries
  • 120 Colored Train Cars
  • 110 Train Car cards
  • 46 Destination Tickets
  • 1 Globetrotter Bonus card
  • 3 Wooden Scoring Markers
  • 1 Rules booklet


Place the board map in the center of the table. Each player takes a set of 40 Colored Train Cars along with its matching Scoring Marker. Each player places his Scoring Marker on the starting location next to the 100 number on the Scoring Track running along the map's border.

Throughout the game, each time a player scores points, he will advance his marker accordingly. Shuffle the Train Car cards and deal a starting hand of 4 cards to each player. Place the remaining deck of Train Car cards near the board and turn the top five cards from the deck face-up. …

AI Turn

Human player always keeps the first player marker and otherwise plays as normal. On the Artificial Intelligence (Al) player's turn, take the bottom card of the Al deck and play it, always face down, onto the current turn slot on the Al board.

Depending on which card it is, the Al performs an Action:

  • If the Al card is a Technology card, resolve the Al Research action - the Al claims the left-most Technology card and then ends its turn. …


  • 1 board map of Germany
  • 225 Colored Train Cars
  • 110 Train Car Cards
  • 89 Destination Ticket Cards
  • 1 Bonus Card
  • 60 Passenger Meeples
  • 1 Cloth Bag
  • 5 Scoring Markers
  • 1 Rules Booklet


Place the board map in the center of the table. Place the 60 Passenger Meeples in the bag and shuffle them. Then, draw the Passengers from the bag randomly and place them on the board according to the diagram.

Each player takes a set of 45 Colored Train Cars along with its matching Scoring Marker. …

As the producer of a multimillion Hollywood studio, it is your job to sign the most wanted stars, obtain the rights for anticipated screenplays and assemble a buzzworthy team to produce the biggest blockbusters.

After years of hard work, you have three astounding screenplays in your hands; all that is left to do, is for you to produce them. You are about to visit magnificent cities and attend parties with the cream of the crop. Hopefully, you'll be able to sign Steve Spellborg to direct your next masterpiece. …