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Q: What does "outside the Dungeon boundary" mean?

A: Cubes that are not contained within or touching any possible room formation are considered outside the Dungeon boundary.

Q: Which cubes count as the "same color?"

A: Cubes that are the exact same color scheme are considered the same color. While Goblins and Trolls are both shades of green, they are not exactly the same. Keys and Chests, on the other hand, are the exact same color scheme, so they are considered the same. …

A game of Myrmes is played over the course of 3 game years. Each year is divided into 4 seasons. During the first 3 seasons the player will play a normal turn while winter is a special season in which they'll have to draw from their stored food reserves.

Each player has an individual board which represents its ant colony. This board is divided into various parts:

A Event track, which indicates the event of the current season

B Larvae room (and birth track), where the larvae are stored …

Looking for a different challenge in defending your Castle?

Here are a few alternate rules (in addition to the Optional Rules) that you can add to fine tune your fun.

Try them all out, and play with just your favorite or mix and match the ones you like the best to create your perfect game of Castle Panic. Have fun defending the Castle!

I. Less Panic

Under Construction-player Walls

The game begins with no Walls in play but with each player holding 1 Wall in his or her possession. During any of his or her turns, each player may place his or her Wall at any available Wall space during the Play Cards phase. …


Setting conditions: The parcel on which the house is built must be reached by a road.

Income: None.

Special rules: Houses are never bought. They come into play when other buildings are built.


Setting conditions: No placement restrictions.

Income: $1 for every neighboring free parcel, no matter the owner of the free parcel (with a minimal income of $1). Several ranches may benefit from the same free parcel.

Special rules: A ranch adds 1 point to your firepower (+1 revolver). A ranch is considered a house to calculate drugstore, bank and saloon incomes. …

Every personality tile shows two different powers (common rules on the yellow side and variants on the red side).

For your initial game, we recommend that you use the yellow side. In future games, the players may choose which personalities will be played during the game (either randomly chosen or decided by the players).

The Sheriff

The player helped by the sheriff gets the special "sheriff " cowboy from the general reserve (white cowboy). This allows him to select one action without fear of being attacked (no one challenges the sheriff to a duel). Therefore, the white cowboy must not be placed to attack a building or to challenge someone into a duel (it must be played on a cowboy-free square). Cash limit: $20. …

Additional City Plans

These goals can be added to the basic version. The same rules apply to them.

List Of Objectives:

To fulfill this City Plan, all houses must be built on the required street.

To fulfill this City Plan, the first and last house of each street must be built.

To fulfill this City Plan, all of the parks AND all of the pools on the required street must be built.

To fulfill this City Plan, 7 temps must be hired. …


When you take a decor card from the game board, you place its corresponding token on one of your rooms.

You must place the token on a room that does not already have a decor token and matches the room type indicated on the decor card, and then discard the card. When a decor token is placed on a room card, that room is finished and cannot be expanded further.

A room (meaning the entire room, which could be a single room card or possibly multiple cards side-by-side) can have at most one decor token. A decor token cannot be placed on an empty room (a facedown room card). …


In Asgard, the Gods fight the Enemies and try to make them move backward. That is the main plot of the game.

The Enemies' combat force varies according to the area where they are located.


  • Choose your opponent among the six Enemies or the Giants.

  • Place a number of Vikings of your choice from your own stock (it is possible to place no Viking at all) on the World of the Dead .

  • Roll the die.

  • Add the number of hammer icons rolled to the number of discarded Vikings. …

  • For a longer, more chaotic game, groups may place 4-8 starred Event cards in the Event deck during set-up instead of the usual 3.

  • For a shorter game, after you've built the Event deck remove any number of Event cards from the top of the deck and place them back in the box without viewing them.

    The more Event cards you remove, the shorter the game will be. You also won't know how many of each card is available in the game. Another way to shorten the game is to use a 30-second timer. …

Object of the Game

To have more victory points than the virtual player at the end of the game. The virtual player collects points by razing your locations, and building his own locations.

The game end is triggered when either you, or the virtual player reaches 25 points. Complete the action phase of that round, then add the number of locations in each player's State to their total score.


Set up the game normally except that the virtual player does not need a faction board. Put both point markers on the Victory Point track on the space marked "0". Take the first player token for yourself. You deserve it. …