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You are an apprentice to a great sushi master, and you have spent the last ten years honing your skills in preparation for this day- your final test before earning the title of expert chef Itamae-San.

Sushi is about culinary expertise, and you must always strive to master your skills while serving an array of vivid colors, mouthwatering tastes, and creative combinations. 'The test will be difficult.

You must compete against the other hopefuls, all working in the same confined area to produce recipes of varying complexity. Only one of you will earn the respect of your teacher, and the revered title of Itamae-San! …

During the game, four rows of cards are formed in the middle of the table . Two rows are in ascending order (numbers 1-99), and two rows are in descending order (numbers 100-2).

Everyone plays together in the same team and tries to lay as many cards as possible , all 98 if possible , in four rows of cards.


  • 98 cards numbered 2-99
  • 4 direction cards
  • Rulebook

Rules for Laying Cards

In an ascending row of cards the card number of each card laid must always be greater than the card laid before it. How much space left between the cards does not matter, e.g. 3, 11, 12, 13, 18, 20, 34, 35, 51. Or 2, 7, 19, 25, 28, 29, 49, etc. …


  • 1 Game Board
  • 78 Goods Markers
  • 4 Moneybag Tiles
  • 1 Merchant Ship
  • 60 Market Booths
  • 22 Talers

Object of the Game

Compete to become Master of the Hanseatic city-states during the 14th Century. Criss-cross the Baltic Sea in a merchant ship, always on the lookout for a chance to acquire valuable wares.

Set up networks of market booths within the cities, which allows your goods to be re-sold at the most advantageous time and increases your power and prestige. At the end of the game, the player with the most establishments and the greatest profits, is the winner. …

Players will be playing ancient civilizations as they prosper and collapse through time. Build gigantic monuments, raise impenetrable fortifications, and amass vast knowledge as the ages pass.

The greatest civilizations will leave their mark long after their collapse. From times long forgotten to times recently lost, civilizations will rise and fall as the tide of time carries them.


  • 18 game cards
  • 1 reference card
  • 1 pencil
  • notepad
  • 4 Relic tokens.

Object of the Game

The goal of the game is to have the most Victory Points (VP), earned by developing your Kingdom during the game. …


  • A classic 8x8 chess board, only the dark squares are used.

    It is positioned so that each player has a light square on the right side corner.

  • 24 discs (12 of 2 colors)

    Typically, they are flat and round. The color of one set is black and the other red or white or beige.

Tutorial Video

Game Play

Checkers is played by two players.

Each player begins the game with 12 discs and places them on the 12 dark squares closest to him or her. …

Below are detailed explanations of actions, improvements and rewards that Bonuses give, Dials and Switches on the Dashboard, Boarding Gates, Objective Cards and the Seaplane Cards.

All of them are usually exceptions and modifications to the rules described above and, therefore, always prevail over them if not indicated otherwise.


You can play other cards under the Destination Tickets in order to collect 3 identical icons among all the cards played face up for the flights in the same round and get the corresponding bonus. …

The most memorable mounts of the past hundred years are brought together on one racetrack to determine who's the greatest racehorse of all time.

When these equines of the ages line up at the post, every racing fan will cheer on their favorites, pushing the jockeys and their mounts to achieve greater glory than they have ever known before. And what glory will fall to racing fans? Knowledge that they backed a winner - not to mention a rich payout.


  • 1 Game board
  • 28 Horse cards
  • 7 Horses
  • 21 Royal Turf Cards
  • 6 Color tiles
  • 24 Betting chips
  • 1 Pace chip
  • 50 Money
  • 1 Special Die

Object of the Game

Three races take place during a complete game of Winner's Circle. In each race, players place bets on the seven competing horses, spur on favorites with their support, and distract the jockeys of the other mounts. Once the three races are over, the player whose bets have paid off the most wins the game. …

During the first half of each part of the day, each player in turn order performs one Action. You must choose one of the following Actions: Rest or Move.


When you choose to Rest, complete these steps in order:

  1. Flip your Rest token to the moon side. You cannot rest if the token is already showing the moon side.

  2. Flip back all used Contract cards and Equipment tiles you have on your board as well as your First Aid tile. They are now available again. …

The revolution in Cuba is over. Now, many magnificent buildings are being built in the capital city Havanna to make it gleam in renewed splendor.

Each player holds the same 13 action cards. In each round, two cards are laid out face-up in front of each player with which he carries out two actions. He can take pesos or building materials (brick = red, sandstone = yellow, glass = blue, loam = brown, debris = gray), hire workers, bring his master builder into play, collect taxes, send out thieves, tear down buildings, and more. …


  • 52 playing cards
  • 6 dice discs
  • 1 "money" disc
  • 1 "card" disc
  • 36 victory points
  • Money
  • 3 action dice in each of the players' colors
  • 1 white battle die
  • 1 set of instructions

Object of the Game

Rome is in a state of emergency, the Senate and the Guard are embroiled in fierce arguments, the people are divided. Many roads lead to Rome, whether you decide to use powerful cards such as the Turris and the Praetorianus to protect the power and victory PLAYING EQUIPMENT

points you have, or instead prefer to use the Consul and the Tribun to skilfully pull the strings behind the scenes. Whoever succeeds in using their connections and manages to play their cards cleverly will at the end deserve their victor's laurels. …