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Every time a Location gives you VPs, immediately adjust your score on the Victory Point track.

Gold tokens can be used instead of any Resource (Wood, Stone, Food), but not the other way around. Gold tokens cannot be exchanged for Resource markers.

Each time you receive Resources, Workers or tokens, you should take them from the general supply, unless stated otherwise.

Whenever you discard Resources, Workers or tokens, they are returned to the general supply.

Resources, Workers and tokens in a player's supply must be visible to all players. …

Game Components

  • 1 Score Board
  • 4 Faction Markers
  • 1 Round Marker
  • 4 Faction Boards
  • 220 Cards
  • Goods Markers & Tokens
  • 1 First player Marker
  • 4 Egyption Special Tokens


Before the first game, cards should be unpacked and sorted according to their type - separate Common cards and cards of each Faction into individual stacks. After the game we recommend to keep each type of cards separately to speed-up the setup for future games.

The following rules refer to a game for 2-4 players. Rules for the single player game can be found on here. …

A game of Bruxelles 1893 is played over five rounds. At the beginning of a round, the first player begins by defining the available area of the Art Nouveau board. Then the players take turns choosing an action on one of the two game boards: the Art Nouveau board or the Brussels board.

Taking an action on the Art Nouveau board requires playing an Assistant pawn and placing a bid in Belgian francs (BF), which allows participation in an auction. At the end of each round, the player who bid the most money in a column wins this column's auction and its Bonus card. …


Players make teams, with a minimum of two players on each team.

Each team receives a pad of paper and pencil, and a pawn which goes on the board at "start".

Put each box of cards next to their appropriate space on the board.

The team with a player whose birthday is coming up next goes first.

Object of the Game

Your team must be the first to reach Cranium Central and complete a final activity successfully.

Game Play

The team to your right draws the next card from the deck that matches your spot on the board and reads the front of the card to you (they should hide the answer on the back). …

Game Components

  • 110 cards (42 production and 68 violet buildings)
  • 1 governor placard (indicates the starting player)
  • 5 role placards (builder, producer, trader, councillor, and prospector)
  • 5 trading house tiles (with different goods' prices)
  • 1 scoring pad & 1 pencil (to record victory points)


The players select a s tarting player using any method they want. He takes the governor placard. Place the 5 role placards next to each other in the middle of the table.

Shuffle the 5 trading house tiles face down and place them in a stack face down next to the trader placard. …

Crossing into the Land of 1001 Nights, your caravan arrives at the fabled Sultanate of Naqala.

The old sultan just died and control of Naqala is up for grabs! The oracles foretold of strangers who would maneuver the Five Tribes to gain influence over the legendary city-state.

Will you fulfill the prophecy? Invoke the old Djinns, move the Tribes into position at the right time and the Sultanate may become yours!


  • 2 Player sets of 8 Camels and 1 Player's Turn marker each
  • 5 Turn Order and Djinns Summary Sheets
  • A Pad of Scoring Sheets
  • 2 Player sets of 11 Camels and 2 Player's Turn markers each
  • 1 Bid Order Track & 1 Turn Order Track
  • 90 Wooden Tribe Meeples:
  • A Meeples bag
  • 12 Palm Trees and 10 Palaces
  • 30 Tiles (12 Blue valued Tiles: Villages & Sacred Places with a Blue point value - 18 Red valued Tiles: Markets & Oasis with a Red point value)
  • 22 Djinn cards
  • 96 Gold Coins (48 worth "5" and 48 worth "1" each)
  • 54 Resource cards: 36 Merchandise and 18 Fakirs


If this is the first play, punch out all the pieces from the game's punchboards. Rather than discarding the empty frames, insert them under the vacuum tray inside your game box. This will help your tray stay flush with your game's box top, preventing pieces inside from spilling over when storing your game. …

Apples to Apples is the wild, award winning card and party game that provides instant fun for four to ten players! It's as easy as comparing "apples to apples"... just open the box, deal the cards, and you're ready to play!

Select the card from your hand that you think is best described by a card played by the judge. If the judge picks your card, you win that round.

And everyone gets a chance to be the judge! Each round is filled with surprising and outrageous comparisons from a wide range of people, places, things, and events. …

Game Components

  • 58 cards, divided as follows:

    • 28 Treasure cards (red back)
    • 24 Flood cards (blue back)
    • 6 Adventurer cards
  • 24 double-sided Island tiles
  • 6 wooden pawns
  • 4 treasure figurines: The Earth Stone, The Statue of the Wind, The Crystal of Fire, The Ocean's Chalice
  • 1 Water Meter
  • 1 Water Level marker

Object of the game

Your team of adventurers must work together to keep Forbidden Island from sinking, in order to buy enough time to capture its four treasures.

Once you've captured them, you must make it to Fools' Landing and escape by helicopter to win. If however, the island sinks before you can complete your tasks, the mission ends in defeat. …

Game Components

  • 1 double-sided game board
  • 14 market tiles
  • 25 fresco tiles with values from 3 to 11
  • 60 coins (Thalers)
  • 78 paint pieces
  • 4 natural-colored apprentices
  • 20 apprentices, 5 each in 4 colors
  • 12 master painters, 3 each in 4 colors
  • 1 bishop
  • 4 small screens
  • 4 large screens
  • 4 action sheets
  • 4 cards showing tables of blending paints
  • 1 linen bag
  • 1 rules leaflet

Object of the Game

The players find themselves in the roles of fresco painters and by order of the bishop have to restore the large painting at the cathedral's ceiling.

The painters need to carefully plan for their workday. More often than not they have to get up very early in the morning, buying and mixing paints for their work in the cathedral in order to restore the fresco to its immaculate condition. …

Balls - Thirty-six suit tiles with pictures of Balls numbering 1-9.

Bamboo - Thirty-six suit tiles with pictures of Bamboo sticks numbering 1-9. The 1 of Bamboo tile is depicted with a bird instead of a Bamboo stick.

Bonus tile - The category of tiles composed of Flowers and Seasons.

Chow - A set that follows a run from the same suit numbering 1-9.

Concealed - A set which is kept hidden in the players hand because it has been created as a result a player drawing the tile from the Wall. …