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Each turn, you will take 1 action. This section describes each action in more detail.

1. Play a Bird from your Hand

Before choosing to play a bird from your hand, consider its habitat, food requirements, and egg cost. Each bird has habitat and food requirements, shown in the upper left-hand corner of the card.

Additionally, there may be an egg cost shown at the top of the column in which you're playing the bird (there is no egg cost for the first column). If you cannot afford to pay the full cost, you cannot play the bird. …

Players are spirits of nature on an isolated island. Invaders from beyond the sea have recently started to colonize, killing the Dahan (native islanders) and generally wrecking the place. The Spirits must struggle to throw them back before the island is overrun!

Each player plays one Spirit; the Invaders and Dahan act according to game mechanics. Spirits affect the world with Powers. Each turn, all players simultaneously choose what Powers to use. Some Powers will resolve before the Invaders act, others afterwards. Spirits start with limited options, but can slowly learn new Powers over the course of the game. …

Using the Winter Side of the Player Boards


Identical to the game using the summer side of the player boards, but use the winter side of your player boards; rather than having one day/night slot for each of levels 1-6, this side has two day/night slots each of levels 1-3.

Game Play

The game plays exactly the same way as the game using the summer side of the player boards, except for the following:

When you claim a Delivery tile, rather than simply placing it in the first empty matching (day/night) slot of your player board, you must choose which slot you wish to activate, respecting this rule: …

Monster Activation

Monsters are only ever activated as a reaction to a Hero's actions. Their activation is always controlled by the player to the right of the active player.

Guard Reaction

Every Monster in the game guards all Spaces Close to itself, and will attack any Close Hero that lowers his guard by trying to move past it or by attacking somebody else.

A Hero standing Close to a Monster is considered to be actively fending it off, until he decides to move or attack. …


  • 1 game board
  • 4 screens
  • 12 building tiles
  • 9 Cuban tiles
  • 4 playing pieces
  • 12 property markers
  • 5 six-sided special dice
  • 48 goods
  • 60 victory point markers
  • 36 coins (pesos)
  • 1 car
  • 1 ship token
  • 1 value marker

Object of the Game

The object of the game is to collect the most victory points. You get victory points by delivering goods to the ships, by using different buildings, or by visiting the dancer. You attain victory points in the form of victory point markers, which you collect face down in front of you. …

The game is played in turns. Each turn, each player chooses an action to take, most often bidding for and purchasing a tile.

Tiles represent various rooms, locations, and gaming stations that you can put in your hotel-casino. They add to your Population, Revenue, and/or Fame total. Population and Revenue help you collect more income each turn, and Fame adds to your victory points.

You can earn additional Fame at the end of the game by carefully placing the tiles on your hotel-casino sheet when you acquire them, such as by connecting your hotel entrance to your casino entrance or creating diamond patterns at tile intersections. …

  1. Starting Positions

    The winner of the last race may occupy position 1, the one who was second gets position 2 and so on. Adjust the seating order around the table, so everybody takes his turn clockwise.

  2. Missed Turns

    If a player may not move, he misses a turn and puts a card at the bottom of his deck, drawing a replacement.

  3. Crash and Burn

    If a player is in the lead with only sixes in his hand, his chariot crashes and blocks the square it is in for the rest of the game. This may mean that no one can win; in this case, no points are awarded for this race. …


  • 432 Cards
  • 30 second timer
  • score pad

Object of the Game

To score the most points by collecting names in 3 separate rounds.

A game is played using a set of randomly chosen name cards. Each team gets 30 seconds to guess as many names as possible, with one player giving clues to his teammates. Players can always use sound effects and pantomime, but speech becomes more restricted as the game progresses:

  • In Round 1 - Cluegivers can say anything.
  • In Round 2 - Cluegivers can say only one word.
  • In Round 3 - Cluegivers can't say anything

Each round ends when all names in the Deck of Fame have been guessed. All names are put back into the Deck for the next round. High score after the third round wins. …

Not a trivia buff? It doesn't matter! Each player writes down a guess to the same question and places it face-up on the betting mat. Feeling confident? Bet on your guess! Think a friend knows better? Bet on their guess! The player with the most points after 7 questions wins.

Wits & Wagers is most fun with groups of 6 or more people. We recommend playing at holiday parties, family reunions, or any large gathering of friends. Be prepared for light-hearted banter, a little bravado, and a big dose of cheering! …


Explore action lets your civilization explore the uncharted regions of the galaxy.

Choose one of the unexplored spaces next to a hex where you have a Ship or an Influence Disc and turn a hex tile from the corresponding stack (I, II or III) in it. If you Explore from a hex with only a Ship, it must not be "pinned".

Show the hex tile and choose to either place or discard it. If you discard the tile, your turn ends immediately. Discards are placed face up. If you decide to place the tile, the following restrictions apply: …