Game Components
- Game Board
- 10 Character Sheets
- 52 Cardboard Tokens
- 110 Large Cards
- 128 Small Cards
- 1 Eight-sided Die
- 32 Plastic Ships
- 4 Plastic Connectors
- 10 Plastic Character Stands
- Rulebook
Follow these steps to prepare to play Battlestar Galactica: The Board Game.
Place Game Board: Place the game board at the center of the table. Set the food and fuel dials to "8", the morale dial to "10", and the population dial to "12".
Set Up Tokens and Ships: Place the eight vipers and four raptors in the "Viper and Raptor Reserves" space of the game board. Then place the fleet token on the start space of the Jump Preparation track. Last, place all other tokens (facedown) and plastic ships adjacent to the game board. …