Unfed Cottages remain on the board but do not score points on their own. Some other buildings, such as Wells, treat fed and unfed Cottages the same. You may construct Cottages even if you don't yet have a .

Farms feed 4 anywhere on the board.

Granaries only feed in the 8 immediate surrounding squares (up, down, left, right, and diagonal), for a maximum of 8

Greenhouses feed 1 contiguous group of @g.jp that are adjacent (up, down, left, and right) to each other. This group does not have to be adjacent to a Greenhouse.

Fountains cannot score more than 2 . Adjacent refers to up, down, left, and right, not diagonal.

Millstones cannot score more than 2 even if they are adjacent to multiple

Sheds are not restricted to being placed in the 2 squares their resources came from when constructed, but may be placed in any empty square on the board.

Adjacent refers to up, down, left, and right, not diagonal. Adjacent fed and unfed score 1

Abbeys like to be isolated. If an Abbey is adjacent (up, down, left, and right) to any of
. it is worth 0

Score Chapels individually. A town with 3 fed and 1 unfed
will make each Chapel worth 3
(Chapels do not earn
for unfed

Orchards will always feed a maximum of 6 no matter where they are placed.

Cloisters not placed in a corner will still score 1 for each other Cloister placed in a corner. The maximum a Cloister can score is 4

Temples are worth 0 if they are not adjacent to at least 2

The maximum Almshouse score is 26 . If you construct more than 6 Almshouses, the total Almshouse score is still 26

Feast Hall
If you tie with the player to your right, your Feast Halls are only worth 2 In a 2-player game, Feast Halls are worth 3
to the player with the most and 2
to the player with the least,or 2
if tied.

Inns in the same row or column are worth 0 .

Taverns score points as a group. For example, 4 Taverns are worth 14 total (but can be anywhere on the board). Any Taverns constructed after the 5th Tavern do not increase your Tavern score.

Adjacent refers to up, down, left, and right, not diagonal.

Markets score for either a row or column, but not both. Markets always score 1 for themselves in addition to any other Markets in the same row or column, for a maximum score of 7

Tailors not constructed in the 4 center squares are still worth 1 plus 1
for each other Tailor in the 4 center squares. The maximum a Tailor can score in total is 5

A Theater's score is the total number of unique building types besides Theater that share a row or column with that Theater, for a maximum score of 6 there are buildings of the same type in both the same row and column as Theater, that building type only counts once toward Theater's score. Monument counts as a unique building type (unless it is Barrett Castle, which counts as 2

You cannot construct more than 5 Banks, since there would be no resource for them to hold.

You may choose for multiple Factories to hold the same resource, but it offers you no advantage.
Trading Post

Trading Posts can be used in the layout of any future buildings. When you construct a building that used a Trading Post as a resource, you do not remove the Trading Post from its square. You can use multiple Trading Posts to construct a single building, but at least 1 non-Trading Post resource must be used.

You can store up to 3 resources with a Warehouse by physically placing the cubes on the building. When another player names a resource that you do not want, place the resource on your Warehouse. You may remove a resource from your Warehouse and place it in an empty square on your board when you do this. You can never remove a resource without placing a new resource on the Warehouse. As a result, the number of resources on a Warehouse will never decrease.
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