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Rating: 6.7 Good
Players: 2-5 players
Playing time: 90 minutes

Created by: Andrea Chiarvesio, Luca Iennaco, Mad4GameStyle

Published by: Edge Entertainment, ElfinWerks, Fantasy Flight Games

Alternate Names: Königsburg, Кингсбург


Kingsburg is a dice rolling and worker placement strategy game with a medieval theme where players try to earn the favor of the king Tritus.

Players must gain resources, construct buildings, strengthen your defenses and train armies to defend their territory from the enemies that mass on the border.

The game takes place over 5 years for a total of 20 turns and at the end of each year you must battle enemies. Each season, you have 3 dice to roll which determines which advisors a player may influence to gain resources, military, and die bumps.

The resources are needed to purchase buildings, which grant special powers as well as victory points in the end.

After five years, the King will reward the player with the most victory points as most successful governor and he is the winner of the game.

Retail Price:$56
Kingsburg: Dice and Tokens (Black)
Kingsburg: Dice and Tokens (Blue)
Kingsburg: Dice and Tokens (Green)
Kingsburg: Dice and Tokens (Red)
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Ludoteca Ideale Official Selection 2008
Juego del Año Finalist 2008
International Gamers Awards - General Strategy; Multi-player Nominee 2008
Golden Geek Best Family Board Game Nominee 2008
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