Power Yahtzee is the high-scoring version of the classic "shake and roll" game Yahtzee. If you know how to play Yahtzee you'll be playing Power Yahtzee in minutes.

- Five standard dice
- One Power die
- Dice rolling tray
- Score sheets
- Instructions
Separate the snap-together dice cups, so there are two individual cups available. Each player gets a pencil and score sheet. Write your name or initials on your sheet.
Object of the Game
To have the highest point total score when one player completes scoring in all of his "slots" (rows on his score sheet). While the other players may not have as many scores, one of them may win-this creates anticipation and an exciting ending.
Game Play
Each player rolls one die to see who goes first. Highest number rolls first. Play passes to the player on the left throughout the game.
On your turn:

Place the five numbered dice and the Power die in the dice cup. Shake and toss them into the center of the table.
When they stop rolling, you decide what to do next-keep your roll, or pick up some (or all) of the dice and roll these a second and/or third time, just as in standard Yahtzee.

Note: Any dice you "keep" should be placed aside. This will preserve them while you re-roll the others. Your goal is to fill your score sheet with high scoring rolls in every slot, so saving certain dice is usually wise.
The Power Die usually helps you to score more, and often in interesting ways! There are times you will want to preserve it, as well.
Score Sheet
Your turn will always end with you writing down your score on your sheet. There is more to the Power Yahtzee score sheet than a Yahtzee score sheet. Take a look at it.

You'll notice several opportunities to score "Yahtzees", two scoring slots each for some throws - like "Three of a kind" and "Large Straight" - and new categories: "Choice" and "2 Pairs".
Most importantly, check out the new "Power" column. On each turn, whatever number you roll on the Power die goes here. It will multiply your score.
The Power Die

You can re-roll the Power die two or three times just like the other five dice.
But there is one important exception: if you roll " Freeze", you must stop rolling and score your throw immediately (we'll explain shortly).
Let's look at the three numbered sides of the Power die. If you roll a 1, 2 or 3, that number determines the "Power" for your roll - how many times you may multiply your throw. "1" means you just earn the value of the other five dice; "2" doubles your points earned; "3" triples the value of your roll.
(Naturally, you want "3" as often as possible). For example, at the end of your three rolls you end up with three 5's, one 4 and one 1. You've rolled a 2 on the Power die. You decide to score the roll in the upper section slot marked "Fives".
You write a score of "15" (three 5's = 15) in the Fives column. Next, you write "2" in the Power column (for the 2 you rolled on the Power die). Finally, you enter "30" in the total column (15 x 2 = 30). You've scored 30 points for this roll!
Now let's see what happens according to the three special sides of the Power die.
When you roll the "Double" side on the Power die you must score your roll in any two slots and multiply each score by a Power of "2". For example, after three rolls you end up with four 4's, one 6, and Double on the Power die.
You must score this roll twice. In this case, you could score four 4's under "Fours" (worth 16 points) and also a "Four-of-a-Kind" (worth 22 points). Each is multiplied by a Power of "2". So the Fours will score you 32 points while the Four of a Kind earns you 44 points.
Not bad! Later in the game, your roll may not qualify to score in two empty slots (or, you may choose not to). If so, you must eliminate an unscored slot by placing an "X" in the Base Score column and a "0" in its Total Score column. (For instance, you could decide to "X" out one of your Yahtzee slots or one of your unscored Straights).
Remember: in Power Yahtzee, the first player who fills in his score sheet causes the game to end. Every "Double" on the Power die advances you in this race.
"Freeze" stops you in your tracks! Whenever Freeze appears, your turn immediately ends, even if you've only rolled once.
Let's say you roll the Freeze symbol along with two 1's, one 3, one 5 and one 6. Since you must score this roll, you elect to do so in the Ones slot and enter a "2" here.
The Power for "Freeze" is always "1". So you write "1" in its Power column and earn a total score of only "2" (2 x 1=2 points). Hopefully, Freeze won't put too much of a chill in your game!
"Power" is a great roll, if you keep it. Not only does it assure a Power of "3" but it permits you to make a fourth roll with your other dice if you wish. Say, after three rolls, you've got a 3, four 6's and have kept "Power".
You can reroll the "3" one more time. If you roll another six you've earned a YAHTZEE! (and will triple your score). It is usually wise to hold onto "Power" to earn a fourth roll.
You lose that opportunity if you re-roll the Power die, unless you roll "Power" again on your third roll.
End of the Game
When one player has recorded a score (or a "0") in every row of his score sheet, the game ends immediately. Even though the other players will not have completely filled in their score sheets, one might still win.
Each player tallies up his scores, including any bonus earned for the upper section, and then each announces his total.
The player with the highest score is the "most powerful" and wins the game.
More about Scoring
As in standard Yahtzee, sometimes you won't be able to score your throw any where on your score sheet. If you've already used up all the slots where the roll can be scored, you're out of luck and must take a "0" in one other slot on your sheet.
Normally, it is wise to score a "0" where the odds are against you scoring (like a third Yahtzee) or where you wouldn't normally earn many points (like in the Ones column).
Note the new "Choice" category in the Upper Section. You can use it to score any one number a second time. So let's say you've already scored three Fours. You then roll four Fours on a subsequent turn.
You enter "4" in the Choice row and score your Fours here! "Choice" also helps you to win a bigger bonus in the upper section (see the score sheet). Keep this in mind when you choose where to place a score that could go in either the upper or lower section.
When scoring combinations that appear more than once on you Scoresheet al- ways score the "1st" slot first, then the "2nd" slot, etc.
This is especially important when scoring Yahtzees which get progressively more valuable. (Note: if you decided to "X" out a Yahtzee slot, you must first "X" out the 3rd Yahtzee, then the 2nd, then the 1st).
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