Card Abilities
Empire/titan/district Cards

Card Action: On their turn, the player may place a Citizen token on this card to gain what follows the equals sign.

Army Limit: The player may have one army for each of these symbols they own. An army consists of 1 active military card and any retired military cards below it.

Attack (arrow): This symbol gives the player 1 extra arrow for each attack.

Attack (sword): This symbol gives the player 1 extra sword for each attack.

Citizen: The player gains a citizen token when they gains this card (only once). It must be the lowest-number citizen available.

Food: Each round, each food symbol can be used to feed one citizen.

Upgrade a Citizen: Immediately after you buy this card, you may trade one of your citizens for a citizen with higher skill. Return any one of your citizen tokens to the supply and take the next citizen in numerical order from the supply.
Place the upgraded citizen token where the discarded citizen was located.

Capacity: You need one capacity for every empire card you own.

Coin Income: Gain one coin when you collect income.

Knowledge Income: Gain one knowledge token when you collect income.

Repair Income: Repair one damaged empire card when you collect income.

Ambrosia Income: Gain one ambrosia when you collect income.

Gain Knowledge: Gain one knowledge when you gain the card. (This is different than income, and only gives knowledge once).

Gain Coin(s): Gain one (or more) coin(s) when you gain the card. (This is different than income, and only gives the coin once).

Explore Bonus: When you explore or gain a district, draw additional cards to choose from equal to the number in the eye. If there is an explore symbol (ship) above the eye, then you can only use this bonus when exploring. You still keep only 1 card.

Many empire cards have multiple abilities. This card gives 1 Income and also has a card action. If a player places a citizen token here, they gain one knowledge.
Military Cards

Loot: When this army is used, the player gains 1 coin (after the titan is defeated and the dice are rolled).

Spy: When this army is used, the player gains 1 knowledge (after the titan is defeated and the dice are rolled).

Attack (sword): The player gains 1 attack value when the army is used.

Attack (arrow): The player gains 1 attack value when the army is used.

Repair: When this army is used, the player repairs one damaged empire card (after the titan is defeated and the dice are rolled).
This means that if they attack a titan, using an army with this symbol, and the titan damages an empire card, they may use this ability to repair that card.
Card Clarifications
Aqueduct: When you gain a new citizen, gain 1 coin per food you own. (Do not count food on damaged empire cards).

Archivists of Bol: Gain 1 coin at the end of each round. Also, when you buy this card, you may immediately return any 1 of your citizen tokens to the supply and take the next citizen in numerical order from the supply. Place the upgraded citizen token where the discarded citizen was located.
Example: Lucinda has three citizens, numbered 1, 2, and 3. She takes her "1" citizen off the Explore action and places it in the supply. She then takes the "4" citizen from the supply and places it on the Explore action.
Barbarian Camp: When you roll damage dice, you may reroll 1 of the dice once per attack.
Bath House: When you place a citizen on this card, you gain 1 knowledge and for the rest of the round this card gives you 1 extra arrow for each attack.
Cave Town: Gain a new citizen (lowest available) when you buy this card (only once). The citizen goes straight to the "Starving/New" area. Also, at the end of the game, gain 2 extra victory points.
Citadel of Ivories: At the end of the game, gain 2 extra victory points per 3 unused coin tokens you have.
City Center: At the end of the game, gain 6 victory points if you have 5 citizens that are not starving.
Cripta Ship: When you place a citizen on this card, you take the Explore action and also gain 2 coins.

Desert Caravan: When you place a citizen on this card, you gain 1 coin per food you own. (Do not count food on damaged empire cards).
Distant Outpost: When you place a citizen on the learn action, remove a coin from a military card you own. You may remove the coin from the name section or the picture section.
Dungeons: When you use the Labor action, also gain 3 extra coins.
Forest Hideout: At the end of the game, gain 4 extra victory points if you have only 3 citizens.

Frog God Statue: At the end of the game, gain 2 extra victory points per 3 unused ambrosia tokens you have.
Guild of Scholars: Gain 1 knowledge when you buy this card (only once). Also, when you buy this card, you may immediately return any 1 of your citizen tokens to the supply and take the next citizen in numerical order from the supply.
Place the upgraded citizen token where the discarded citizen was located. Example: Lucinda has three citizens, numbered 1, 2, and 3. She takes her "1" citizen off the Explore action and places it in the supply. She then takes the "4" citizen from the supply and places it on the Explore action.
Hall of War: Gain 1 coin at the end of each round. This card also gives you 1 extra sword for each attack. At the end of the game, gain 6 extra victory points if you have at least the specified banners in the colors and quantities listed.

Hidden Library: At the end of the game, gain 2 extra victory points per unused knowledge token you have.
Highland Town: Gain a new citizen (lowest available) when you buy this card. Place the citizen in the "Starving/New" area by your player board. Also, gain 1 coin at the end of each round.
Holy Site: When you place a citizen on this card, remove all coins from 1 military card you own.
Metropolis: Gain a new citizen (lowest available) when you buy this card. Place the citizen in the "Starving/New" area by your player board. Also, gain 1 food.
Monument: Gain 1 coin at the end of each round. Also, at the end of the game, gain 2 extra victory points per three-banner titan you have defeated.
Moon Festival: At the end of the game, gain 4 extra victory points per set of 5 different tribe banners you own.
Nomad Camp: When drawing cards in the Explore action, you may draw 2 extra cards. Also, when you place a citizen on this card, you gain 2 extra swords for each attack.
Scribe Guild: When you perform the Labor action, you may also gain 1 knowledge if you pay 1 coin to the supply.
Tea House: When you roll damage dice, you may reroll 1 of the dice per attack. Also, gain a knowledge token when you buy this card.
Town Hall: When you place a citizen on this card, gain 1 knowledge and also gain 1 ambrosia.
Trade City: Gain 1 coin and 1 knowledge at the end of each round. Also, at the end of the game, gain 4 extra victory points if you have at least the specified banners in the colors and quantities listed.
Trade Route: At the end of the game, gain 4 extra victory points if you have at least 6 yellow banners.
Traveler Camp: Gain 1 food. Also, when drawing cards in the Explore action, you may draw 1 extra card. This card's banner can be used as any 1 color banner at the end of the game. (The player chooses which color).
Treasury: Gain 2 coins at the end of each round. Also, at the end of the game, gain 6 extra victory points if you have at least 5 blue banners and 5 yellow banners.
Warship: This card gives you 1 extra sword for each attack. Also, when drawing cards in the Explore action, you may draw 2 extra cards.
Zori Dramatists: If you are the first to pass in a round, you may store an empire card. You must choose a card from the empire card row on the board.
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