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Rating: 7.6 Very Good
Players: 3-7 players
Playing time: 60-80 minutes

Official Site: Official Site

Created by: Bruno Cathala, Serge Laget, Cyrille Daujean, Julien Delval

Published by: Days of Wonder

Alternate Names: Les Chevaliers de la Table Ronde, Cienie nad Camelot, Schatten über Camelot, シャドウズ・オーバー・キャメロット


Shadows Over Camelot is ana co-operative deduction board game based on the legend of King Arthur and the knights of the Round Table. Each player takes on the role of such a Knight and it's possible that someone plays as a traitor. All players try to fulfill quests. When quests are completed, then white swords are placed on the Round table. Failed quests place black swords.

The game is cooperative in that a shared victory or loss is possible in the absence of a traitor, and a traitor does not benefit by revealing himself too early. The endgame with a revealed traitor is, by contrast, a competitive game of asymmetric teams.

All players can get a shared victory when they are able to have a majority of white swords on the Round Table before Camelot falls.

But beware, one of the players pretend to be a loyal member but secretly he/she is hindering the others and waiting to strike hard at the worst possible moment. When he is revealed, the endgame with asymmetric teams starts.

Retail Price:$59
Shadows over Camelot: Merlin's Company
Shadows over Camelot: Sir Bedivere, the 8th Knight
JoTa Best Cooperative Board Game Nominee 2008
Spiel des Jahres "Fantasy Game" Winner 2006
Golden Geek Best Light / Party Game Nominee 2006
Golden Geek Best Gamer's Board Game Nominee 2006
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Game Components

  • 1 Master gameboard of Camelot and the Round Table
  • 3 additional Double-sided Quests
  • 16 Swords of the Round Table
  • 168 Character
  • 7 Coat of Arms
  • 7 standard dice and 1 special 8-sided die
  • 30 Miniatures
  • A Rules Booklet and the Book of Quests


Place the Master gameboard of Camelot and its surroundings in the center of the table. Punch out the Quests for Excalibur, the Holy Grail, and Lancelot & the Dragon, and lay them next to the Master gameboard. The Quest for Lancelot & the Dragon must be placed with Lancelot's side face up. …


Camelot has a specific Heroic Action attached to each of its two sections, the Round Table and the Siege area outside the fortress' walls.

When in Camelot, you may choose to perform a Heroic Action to: Draw 2 White cards Or Fight a Siege Engine.

Drawing 2 White Cards

There are no limits to the number of White cards you may have in your possession at any time during the game. But, if you have 12 or more White cards in hand, you cannot choose to draw any more additional White cards as your Heroic Action. …

At the start of the game, in a gesture of the collaboration to come, each player must select one White card from his hand and place it, face up, on the Round Table. A discussion should ensue about how to best share those cards among all the Knights.

A Knight, in a noble gesture, may voluntarily take none of the shared cards, while others may pick up several. If there is disagreement (not a good omen of things to come!), the offered cards are shuffled and redistributed randomly to each player. You are now ready to begin. …

Joining In Mid-game

If a player wishes to join a game in mid-play, he simply draws one of the remaining Coat of Arms and Loyalty cards, and sits to the immediate left of King Arthur (or the player who started the game, if King Arthur is not in play). He then sets his Life dice to 4, draws 5 White cards from the top of the White draw pile, places his miniature in Camelot and waits for his turn to arrive.

If a player wishes to leave a game, he is considered to have immediately met a premature death. …

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