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Rating: 7.5 Very Good
Players: 1-4 players
Playing time: 90 minutes

Official Site: Publisher's url

Created by: Ted Alspach, Ted Alspach, Klemens Franz, Ollin Timm

Published by: Bézier Games, Inc., Arclight, Cosmodrome Games

Alternate Names: Субурбия, シティビルダー


Suburbia is a tile-building game of economic management and city development where players plan out, build and develop a small town to become a metropolis.

The goal is to have the most people in your suburb when the game ends, but this is a delicate balancing act. Grow too fast and your income will be reduced too much, so, you end with dwindling funds. Grow to slowly and you will not be able to win.

To encourage population growth and become profitable, you can add residential, civic, commercial, and industrial areas to your town. Profit is important because then you can purchase better and more valuable buildings like internatal airports or high rise office buildings.

The winner is the player who has the most population when the game ends.

Retail Price:$59
Suburbia 5★
Suburbia Inc
Suburbia: Con Tiles
Suburbia: Essen SPIEL Expansion
Suburbia: Hala Stulecia
Mensa Select Winner 2013
Meeples' Choice Nominee 2012

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Game Components

  • 1 Population Board
  • 1 Stacks Board
  • 1 Supply Board
  • 1 Real Estate Market
  • 4 Borough Boards
  • 8 Suburbs
  • 8 Heavy Factories
  • 8 Community Parks
  • 1 "1 More Round"
  • 32 A Tiles
  • 36 B Tiles
  • 32 C Tiles
  • 20 Goal Tiles
  • 4 player aids
  • 1 Start Player Marker
  • 60 coins
  • 4 Reputation Cubes
  • 4 Population Squares
  • 12 Investment Markers
  • 4 Income Cylinders


Shue 3 stacks of face down tiles, each stack with a letter on the back (A, B, and C). Each stack has the same number of tiles: 15 for 2 players, 18 for 3 players, and 21 for 4 players.

Place unused tiles back in the box. …

Each tile that you place impacts your city in some way. Tiles fall into one of four categories:

Residential , Industrial , Commercial and Civic .

Most tiles give bonuses or penalties to Income , Reputation or Population , while others give you special abilities.

Each tile has four or five main elements, as shown in the example below:

Tiles must always be placed so that at least one edge is adjacent to another tile (face up or face down). Tiles can be placed so that they go around (but not rest on top of) the Borough Board. …

  • Focus on raising your income early in the game... a in the first turn is worth anywhere from $15-$18 by the end of the game!

  • Be careful not to get too much population too fast, as you'll start to run into Red Lines faster and slow down your progress before you have a chance to build up a solid Income

    and Reputation infrastructure of tiles.

  • Keep both the public Goals and your private Goal in mind at all times; these are worth a lot at the end of the game. …

The Lone Architect

All the challenge of the multiplayer game in less than 30 minutes! Gameplay is just like the 2 player game, but you'll only need one Borough Board.


Use the 2-player tile stacks setup, but don't place or distribute any goals.

Game Play

Moving past a Red Line results in and .

After your turn is over, you must remove an additional tile, using the same rules as if you had placed an Investment Marker or a basic tile.

Dale the Bot

In this solo game, you'll be playing against Dale, the bot, who has no emotions; he'll always play with you, because he has no other friends! You go first each round (Dale doesn't mind). …

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Suburbia: Overview of Setting, Game Play and Goal

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