In Iceland, you can climb volcanoes, marvel at the aurora borealis, count sheep, and eat delicious tomatoes. Thanks to geothermal energy, Iceland is a vegetable paradise!
Players take on the roles of vegetable farmers to build a livelihood in beautiful Iceland. But, with all the tourism around the natural wonders, competition to have the best vegetables is fierce!
- 1 Game Board
- 1 Covering Tile
- 4 Managers
- 12 Worker Discs
- 5 Goods Boxes
- 1 Sheet of Stickers
- 1 Start Player Card
- 4 Player Cards
- 23 Greenhouse Cards
- 8 Game Round Tiles
- 160 Wooden Goods
- 36 Service Cards
- 34 Story Mode Cards
- Instructions
To set up the game area, place the game board in the middle of the table. Use the side that matches your player count. In a 2-player game, place the covering tile face down above the game board.
In a 3-player game, place the covering tile on the top row of the game board. In a 4-player game, the covering tile is not used at all.
From the deck of greenhouse cards, remove all cards that exceed your player count (e.g., in a 2-player game, remove all cards marked with
) and return them to the game box.
Sort the remaining greenhouse cards into separate piles by the number of parcels on their back. Place these piles in a row next to the game board, face up.
For the pile of random greenhouse cards (i.e., with the
symbol on their back), set aside the card with
symbol for now.
Shuffle this pile and set it next to the other piles, face up. Then place the set-aside card on top of this pile, face down. This pile is known as the "random greenhouses".
Choose a set of service cards to use in this game. Shuffle all cards of this chosen set, then select 5 of them at random, placing them in an open display next to the game board. Return all other sets, along with the unused cards of the chosen set, back to the game box.
Hint: We recommend using cards from set A for your first game.
Stack the game round tiles in ascending order (i.e., 1 on top, 7 on bottom). Place this stack on the marked space, either on the game board or on the covering tile. (Game round tile 8 is only needed for Story Mode).
Place all of the wooden goods ain their goods boxes, and set these boxes nearby. This ish known as the supply.t Place the goods tiles nearby as well.
Stack 1 mushroom, 1 lettuce, and 1 tomato - from bottom to top, in that order. Place this stack at one end of the open display of service cards.
Each player chooses a color and takes the following pieces in their chosen color: 3 workers, 1 manager, and 1 player card. Unused player pieces are then returned to the box.
The player who most recently purchased tomatoes is named the start player and takes the start player card. Then, beginning with the start player and continuing in clockwise order, each player places their manager on the start table of the tourism track.
Game Play
The game is played over the course of 7 rounds. Each round is broken up into 4 phases, known as "times", executed in order.
- During Work Time, your workers perform actions.
- During Harvest Time, you harvest goods from your greenhouses.
- During Tourism Time, your manager advances on the tourism track.
- During Homecoming Time, you retrieve all of your workers from the game board.
The game board displays the action spaces, as well as the tourism track, made up of tables showing dishes.
1. Work Time
Each round of the game starts with Work Time. Beginning with the start player and proceeding in clockwise order, each player places 1 of their 3 workers on a free action space.
This continues until every player has placed all 3 of their workers.
When you place your worker on an action space, you immediately perform that action.
Placement Rules:
A free action space is any action space that has no workers on it at all.
You may only place your worker on an action space if you can perform at least 1 of the actions of that space. Some action spaces have more than 1 action.
You may choose such an action space even if you can only perform 1 of those actions. However, you must perform all actions of an action space, if possible. You cannot voluntarily skip an action.
Example: You choose the following action space: "Take 1 tomato -AND- seed 1 time". You may use this action space even if you cannot seed, as long as you want to take the tomato. However, if you can seed, then you must do so, in addition to taking the tomato.
The action spaces are divided into columns. The 4 columns are (from left to right): Property actions, Field actions, Market actions, and Town Hall actions.
In the Property and Town Hall columns, some action spaces are marked with a flag. In a given round, each player can only use 1 flag action space in each column, at maximum.
2. Harvest Time
During Harvest Time, each player harvests 1 time from each of their filled greenhouses. If you have a greenhouse with different goods (possible due to service card effects), you decide which to harvest.
3. Tourism Time
During Tourism Time, each player takes a turn - but not in clockwise order. Start with the player furthest ahead on the tourism track, then proceed in order of position on the tourism track, from front to back.
Each player completes their entire turn before the next player takes their turn.
During your turn, you may advance your manager by as many tables as you want and can afford. (Don't forget the bonus!)
To advance your manager to a table, discard goods from your stock back to the supply, as shown on the signpost of that table.
Example: To advance your manager to this next table, you must discard 1 tomato from your stock.
In rare cases, it is possible to finish the entire tourism track. If you do, place your manager back at the start stable and keep going, but treat each table like it shows +6 goods of that type.
If you advance to a table where other managers are already present, always place your manager ahead of all the other managers present, at the front of the table.
Example: There are already 2 other managers at this table. You slide them backward and place your own manager at the very front.
Using the Bonus
The "bonus" is a special function of Tourism Time. Once per round, while advancing your manager, you are required to use the bonus. To use the bonus, instead of discarding the goods required to advance, you take those goods from the supply.
You can use this bonus before or after advancing normally, and you can even acquire goods via the bonus and then discard them to advance further in the same round.
Example: Your manager is at the table with 1 mushroom. You have 1 cauliflower and 2 tomatoes in your stock. First, you discard 1 cauliflower to advance to the next table.
Then, for the next table, you use the bonus to take 1 carrot from the supply, as you advance. Finally, you discard 2 tomatoes to advance to yet another table.
4. Homecoming Time
During Homecoming Time, each player retrieves their workers from the game board. The topmost round tile is discarded, then the start player passes the start player card to the player seated on their left.
End of the Game
The game ends when the final game round tile has been discarded during Homecoming Time. The player who advanced their manager the furthest on the tourism track is the winner!
In the case of a tie, the tied player who is at the front of the furthest table reached (i.e., the player who arrived at the table last) is the winner.
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