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Rating: 7.4 Good
Players: 1-5 players
Playing time: 120-180 minutes

Official Site: FFG product page

Created by: Nikki Valens, Cristi Balanescu, Yoann Boissonnet, Anders Finér, Tony Foti, Jacob Murray, Magali Villeneuve

Published by: Asterion Press, Edge Entertainment, Fantasy Flight Games

Alternate Names: Le Case della Follia: Seconda Edizione, Les Demeures de l'Épouvante : Seconde Édition, Las Mansiones de la Locura: Segunda Edición, Mansions of Madness: Segunda Edição, Posiadłość Szaleństwa: Druga Edycja


Mansions of Madness: Second Edition is a fully cooperative, app-driven board game of horror and mystery for one to five players that takes place in the same universe as Eldritch Horror and Elder Sign.

Let the immersive app guide you through the veiled streets of Innsmouth and the haunted corridors of Arkham's cursed mansions as you search for answers and respite.

Eight brave investigators stand ready to confront four scenarios of fear and mystery, collecting weapons, tools, and information, solving complex puzzles, and fighting monsters, insanity, and death.

Open the door and step inside these hair-raising Mansions of Madness: Second Edition. It will take more than just survival to conquer the evils terrorizing this town.

Retail Price:$101
Mansions of Madness: Second Edition – Beyond the Threshold
Mansions of Madness: Second Edition – Recurring Nightmares Figure and Tile Collection
Mansions of Madness: Second Edition – Suppressed Memories Figure and Tile Collection

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Mansions of Madness is a cooperative game of investigation and horror inspired by the writings of H. P. Lovecraft. During each game, one to five players explore a location to unravel a mystery. Players must work together to overcome the challenges presented to them by a fully integrated companion app.

Mansions of Madness is a cooperative game. All players are on the same team and win or lose the game together. The investigators' ultimate goal is to explore the scenario's map and piece together the evidence and clues required to solve the mystery. …

This section includes additional rules not previously discussed, including skill tests, cards, features, monsters, and puzzles.

Damage & Horror

Many game effects cause investigators to suffer Damage or Horror. When an effect causes an investigator to suffer Damage or Horror, he draws the top card of the Damage or Horror deck, respectively. He claims the card faceup unless the effect specifies otherwise.

Each Damage or Horror card has one of two traits-Resolve Immediately or Keep Faceup. When an investigator claims a faceup Damage or Horror with the Resolve Immediately trait, he immediately resolves its effect which usually includes flipping the card facedown. A Damage or Horror with the Keep Faceup trait, will have a lasting effect for as long as the card remains faceup. …

Mansions of Madness 2nd Edition Review - with Tom Vasel

Mansions Of Madness 2nd - How To Play - Watch It Played

Mansions of Madness Unboxing by Man Vs Meeple

Board Game Brawl Reviews - Mansions of Madness: Second Edition

The Discriminating Gamer: Mansions of Madness, 2nd Ed.

"Such terrifying vistas of reality..." (spoiler-free video review)

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