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Rating: 8.2 Very Good
Players: 2-4 players
Playing time: 60 minutes

Official Site: Fresco game page at Queen Games

Created by: Wolfgang Panning, Marco Ruskowski, Marcel Süßelbeck, Oliver Schlemmer

Published by: Queen Games, Arclight, Competo / Marektoy

Alternate Names: Fresko, Freskó, フレスコ


Fresco is a worker placement family game where you are a master painter restoring a fresco in a Renaissance cathedral. The ceiling in the cathedral is in an urgent need of restoration and the bishop asked painters to repair it before some important visitors arrive.

You start with 5 workers and you have to plan your day cleverly. You must decide what time to wake up. Waking up earlier will put you earlier in the turn order, but decrease the mood of the apprentices and they will work less efficient.

You also must decide your actions for the turn: buy paint, mix paint, paint the fresco, raise money by painting portraits or increase the happiness of the apprentices.

The game ends when the fresco is nearly completed and the player with most victory points is the winner.

Fresco has a modular structure giving the players the opportunity to decide how ambitious they want to play. The game board is two-sided and is different for 3 or 4 players.

Retail Price:$49
Fresco: Expansion Module 7 – The Scrolls
Fresco: Expansion Modules 4, 5 and 6
Fresco: Expansion Modules 8, 9 and 10
Fresco: The Bishop's Favor
Hungarian Board Game Award Nominee 2013
Guldbrikken Best Adult Game Nominee 2012
JoTa Best Artwork Nominee 2011
Hra roku Nominee 2011
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