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Rating: 8 Very Good
Players: 2-5 players
Playing time: 60-120 minutes

Official Site: Rococo on Eggrules

Created by: Matthias Cramer, Louis Malz, Stefan Malz, Michael Menzel

Published by: Arclight, Delta Vision Publishing, Eagle-Gryphon Games

Alternate Names: Maîtres Couturiers, Rokokó, Rokoko, Рококо, ロココの仕立屋


Welcome to the Rococo era during the reign of Louis XV when it's safe to say that holding lavish balls is quite trendy. Important personalities wrap up in noble coats and dresses, anxious to outshine one another.

As the biggest event is coming up in just a few weeks, everyone is turning to you with their requests: an elegant coat here, a stunning dress there, or a donation to fund the fireworks at the event. Soon you realize that it's not just about your dressmaking business anymore - it's about managing the most prestigous ball of the era...and now it's time to ro(c)k!

Rokoko is a Eurostyle board game with an interesting take on deck-building. Each turn you play one of your employee cards and let that employee perform a task: hire a new employee, buy resources, manufacture a coat or dress, or invest in the ball's decorations.

But not every employee is up to every task, so you must choose and lead your employees wisely - especially since each employee grants a unique bonus and some of these bonuses generate prestige points.

After seven rounds, the game ends with the big ball and a final scoring. Then you gain prestige points for certain employee bonuses and for coats and dresses that you rent out to guests at the ball as well as for decorations that you funded. The player who collected the most prestige points wins.

Retail Price:$57
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