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Rating: 7.4 Good
Players: 2-4 players
Playing time: 60-90 minutes

Created by: Inka Brand, Markus Brand, Dennis Lohausen

Published by: 999 Games, Albi, Delta Vision Publishing

Alternate Names: Cелище, Descendance, Het Dorp, Kronika panství, Pokolenia


Life in this village is tough! But at least it offers its residents a lot of room for development. Some make their career in the council chamber, some in the church, while others journey into the world....

Village is a time-management and worker placement game with a medieval theme. Each player controls the fate of a family and wants to rise to prominence. But never forget the most important thing: Time cannot be stopped, and eventually family members pass away.

Those that worked hard during their lifetime may find themselves immortalized in the village chronicle and thus increase their families' fame and be one step closer to victory

Retail Price:$49
Village Inn
Village Port
Village: Customer Expansion
Village: Customer Expansion 2
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