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  • 106 Cards
  • 4 Score Summary Cards
  • Rulebook

Object of the Game

Be the first person to score 10,000 points or more.

To initially get on the scoreboard, you must make a total of 1,000 points in one turn. Once you are on the scoreboard, no minimum score is required.


  • Set the Score Summary Cards out so everyone can see them as reference.

  • Shuffle the rest of the Cards and deal one Card to each player, face up. Keep the Card in front of you, away from the middle of the playing area. If you are dealt a Farkle Card, it's ok, just set it to the side. Note: The Cards in front of you are not just "yours". All players can play off of all players' Cards.

  • Place the deck face down in the center of the playing area.

  • Choose one player to be the scorekeeper. You will need paper and a pencil.

Game Play

The player to the left of the dealer is the first to draw a Card from the deck.

If you draw a number:

  • You may place the Card with the Card(s) in front of yourself, or the Card(s) in front of any other player. The goal is to create combinations that score (see above or the Score Summary Cards for reference).

  • Continue drawing one Card at a time, placing it in front of yourself or another player (it can be a different person each time you draw).

  • If you create a scoring combination, you can choose to do one of two things:

    1. Slide that combination to the center of the playing area for potential scoring. Once a combination is in the center of the playing area, it cannot be added to or changed.

    2. Leave the combination where it is and try to build on it for bigger scoring potential.

  • You may stop drawing at any time and score any points you have moved to the center.

  • Once scores are entered on the scoreboard, they are safe. You cannot lose points accumulated from previous turns.

If you draw a Farkle Card:

  • You must stop drawing Cards. Any Cards in the center of the play area cannot be scored, and these Cards now become part of your face-up Cards in front of you.

  • When you draw a Farkle Card, set it to the side near you, face up. Farkle Cards count for points, but only when you score other points.

  • Other players may never take your Farkle Cards. Those always remain with the person who drew them, until they are scored and put face-down.

  • Once you score points, place those Cards face-down in a pile.

  • If the deck is used up and the game is still going, the dealer may take the face-down Cards, shuffle them, and create a new deck to draw from.

  • Play moves to the left, continuing until one player reaches a score of 10,000 or more. At this point, the other players get one more turn to try to beat that player's score.

Creating Scoring Combinations

  • If you slide a combination to the center of the playing area for potential scoring, it cannot be added to or changed. For example, if you move three fours to the center for a potential score of 400, and then you draw another four, you may not add it to the three fours to get 1,000 points. You must place it in front of a player.

  • You can NEVER move Cards from one player's hand to another's to make combinations. You may only take a combination from one hand at a time.

  • If you leave a possible combination where it is (not moving it to the center of the playing area), you can try to build on it for bigger scoring potential. For example, you may leave the three fours in front of the player, then you can add another four to it if you draw more.

When to Score Your Farkle Cards

  • You add any Farkle Cards to your score when you "bank" a scoring combination. For example, if you have four twos in the center and stop drawing to take that 1,000 points, and you also have three Farkle Cards in your possession, you would add another 300 to your score.

  • You cannot hold on to Farkle Cards, they MUST be scored as soon as you score any combination.

Lost Combinations

  • If you had potential scoring Cards in the center of the playing area and you drew a Farkle, you moved those Cards to add to your hand in front of you. On another turn, someone must add a Card to them in order to move them to the center of the playing area.

    For example, if there were three fours in the center and you drew a Farkle and had to add them to the Cards in front of you, another player cannot immediately grab them and move the three fours to the center. They must add another four, or more, to the combination to move it to the center of the playing area.

  • They may also choose to break up the combinations for another. For example, they may use only one of the fours in a straight, or two of the fours in a set of three pairs.

End of the Game

The player with the highest score of 10,000 or more is the winner!


Note: If playing with six or more players, you may decide to play to only 5,000 or 7,500 points to avoid a very long game.

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