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Rating: 8.4 Very Good
Players: 2-4 players
Playing time: 60-120 minutes

Official Site: Official Alea site

Created by: Stefan Feld, Alexander Jung

Published by: alea, Ravensburger Spieleverlag GmbH, edizioni


Stake your fortunes in the mysterious island world of Bora Bora. Journey across islands, building huts where the resilient men and women of your tribes can settle, discovering fishing grounds and collecting shells. Send priests to the temples, and gather offerings to curry favor with the gods.

In Bora Bora, players use dice to perform a variety of actions using careful insight and tactical planning. The heart of the game is its action resolution system in which 5-7 actions are available each round, the exact number depending on the number of players. Each player rolls three dice at the start of the round, then they take turns placing one die at a time on one action.

Place a high number on an action, and you'll generally get a better version of that action: more places to build, more choices of people to take, better positioning on the temple track, and so on. Place a low number and you'll get a worse action - but you'll possibly block other players from taking the action at all as in order to take an action you must place a die on it with a lower number than any die already on the action.

Three task tiles on a player's individual game board provide some direction as to what he might want to do, while god tiles allow for special actions and rule-breaking, as gods are wont to do. The player who best watches how the game develops and uses the most effective strategy will prevail.

Retail Price:$47
Bora Bora: Orange God Tiles
Meeples' Choice Winner 2013
Meeples' Choice Nominee 2013
International Gamers Award - General Strategy: Multi-player Nominee 2013

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Stake your fortunes in the mysterious island world of Bora Bora. Journey across islands, building huts where the resilient men and women of your tribes can settle, discovering fishing grounds and collecting shells. Send priests to the temples, and gather offerings to curry favor with the Gods.

In Bora Bora, players use dice to perform a variety of actions using careful insight and tactical planning. The player who best watches how the game develops and uses the most effective strategy will prevail. …

To play any God card, you must also give up an offering. If you don't have an offering then you can't play a God card. Place used God cards face up onto a discard pile next to the draw pile and used offerings back into the general supply.

If the God card draw pile runs out, shuffle the discard pile and use it, face down, as a new draw pile.

Important: You may play two God cards of the same color, paying only one offering, for the ability to choose any God …

The following examples illustrate all of the task tiles, beginning with the 7 starting task tiles (light green backs with a crane) and followed by the 53 remaining task tiles (dark green backs with a parrot).

In general, all tasks indicate a minimum requirement - not an exact number. ^ms, you can always have more of what is required, but not less.

Note: You never need to give anything up when completing task tiles. You only need to show that you have them. …

Fewer action tiles are laid out, so that some actions are combined:

In the 2 player game: In addition to the "Build", "Temple" and "Helper" actions, there are combined "Man / Woman" and "Land / Water Path" actions. Use the "Woman" and "Land Path" tiles face down, and return the "Man" and "Water Path" tiles to the box. A total of five action tiles are thus available.

Use 5 action tiles only:

In the 3 player game: In addition to the "Build", "Temple", "Helper", "Woman" and "Man" actions, there is a combined "Land / Water Path" action (use the "Land Path" face down), and return the "Water Path" tile to the box. A total of six action tiles are thus available. …

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