Fewer action tiles are laid out, so that some actions are combined:
In the 2 player game: In addition to the "Build", "Temple" and "Helper" actions, there are combined "Man / Woman" and "Land / Water Path" actions. Use the "Woman" and "Land Path" tiles face down, and return the "Man" and "Water Path" tiles to the box. A total of five action tiles are thus available.
Use 5 action tiles only:

In the 3 player game: In addition to the "Build", "Temple", "Helper", "Woman" and "Man" actions, there is a combined "Land / Water Path" action (use the "Land Path" face down), and return the "Water Path" tile to the box. A total of six action tiles are thus available.
Use 6 action tiles only:

The rules for placing dice remain the same as in the 4 players game. Always place lower die values (exception: Blue God) and, when choosing a double action tile, choose one of the two available actions.
All other rules remain the same.
Example: Don places a 3-value die onto the combined "Man / Woman" action tile and takes a woman tile. Subsequent players must now place either a 2-value or 1-value die here, but are free to choose a man tile instead of a woman tile. The same goes for the combined "Land / Water Path" action tile.

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