The Legacy Decks
Never Shuffle the Legacy Decks.

The two pre-sorted Legacy decks will guide you through the campaign. During games, you will draw cards, one at a time, read them aloud, and do what they say, until instructed to PAUSE or STOP.
After each game, any Legacy cards drawn that did not become part of a card deck or get placed into the box or Tomb should be destroyed (thrown away, recycled, etc)..
Any cards that were added to decks stay in those decks for future games. Legacy cards are numbered, so if a Legacy deck gets out of order, someone not playing the campaign can reorder it.
The Purgatory Deck

Do not integrate these cards into the main decks of the game at the start. DON'T EVEN LOOK THROUGH THE DECK.
As you play, you will be instructed to take cards from the Purgatory deck and add them to one of the card decks in the game.
Each Purgatory card is numbered in the bottom left corner to make it easier to find. When looking for one, fan the deck, looking only at the corners of the cards, until you find the number you want. The lowest-numbered card in the Purgatory deck is 202 (long story).

Sticker Sheet
This sheet contains Crest stickers as well as other stickers that may be placed during the campaign. There is no limit to the number of Crest stickers. If instructed to place one and there are no more for that family, use a marker or pencil in that family's color instead.
The sticker sheet also contains nine Heirloom stickers for each family. Unlike crests, these are limited to nine stickers total for each family.
Folium Infernum

The Folium Infernum contains 13 doors marked with a number or letter, each hiding a sticker.
At certain times during play, you will be instructed to open a door on the Folium Infernum, the number/letter of which door to open, and where that sticker goes.
You can throw away any waste created by the Folium Infernum (cardboard doors, sticker backings, and the like).
Traitor's Tome and Secrets of Survival
These books will be used once the haunt starts and will give further details as what is going to happen in your game.
The Bleak Journal
The Bleak Journal contains entries that will be read through the campaign. Whenever anything tells you to read an entry in the Bleak Journal, turn to that entry number. All entries are read out loud unless the entry tells you otherwise. The first entry is 52 (to keep it different from the haunt numbers).

Card Decks and the Tile Stack
The game starts with two decks in play (Item cards and Event cards) and one stack of tiles. There are no Omen cards yet (if you've played the original game, you might be wondering). More cards of various types will be added later.
Any effect that lets you look at the top card(s) of a deck refer only to these decks. Do not use them to look through the Legacy deck or the Purgatory deck. Any effect that lets you look through the stack refers only to the tiles. Effects that refer to decks do not apply to the stack, and vice versa.
Players may look through, but not rearrange, the backs of any card deck or tile stack to see what regions are coming up.
Tile Planks
The house starts as a small homestead, with a limited number of tiles. At the start of some chapters, the Legacy deck will tell you to add new tiles to the stack from the tile planks.
These are a pre-sorted stack of cardboard punch boards that contain new tiles. You will add many but not all of these tiles to your game. Some will not become part of your house.
Although you will play the same family from generation to generation, you may use any figure for a chapter. At the start of the game, choose a figure and attach it to the base matching your family's color.
The game comes with many tokens, some of which will be used many times in the campaign, others maybe once, and some not at all (they all will get used at some point in free play, though). Here is a look at some that get used often.

Item Pile tokens show when one or more Items or Omens have been dropped on a tile.

Crest tokens: Each family has two tokens showing their family crest. They are used in various ways. If you ever need to break a tie between players, shuffle the Crest tokens face down, then draw one to break the tie.

Searched tokens show that a tile has been successfully searched or an activity has been performed on it. Unless the haunt says otherwise, if you run out of these tokens, you may use a proxy.

Rune tokens represent different things in different haunts. For example, you might need five parts of an infernal machine, each represented by a Rune token. Most of the time, the rune depicted on the token doesn't matter. The haunt or rules will tell you otherwise.

Number tokens are used for a variety of purposes and mean something different in each haunt. These are used when the value is important.

Each Trait token is printed with one of the four traits. These are used to track information related to that trait.

Small Obstacle/Large Obstacle tokens are some sort of obstruction in the room. Leaving a tile costs 1 extra move for each small obstacle on the tile, and 2 extra moves for each large obstacle (see "Moving", page 9). If you need to place an obstacle and none are left, use a proxy.

Small and Large Monster tokens: Small Monster tokens represent various creatures in the game. A Large Monster token stands for a bigger, angrier monster, usually the main villain in a haunt.
Back in box and the Tomb
If you are told to return a game component to the box, it will not be part of the current game but should return to use in the next game. For example, you may be told to return an Item card to the box. That Item is gone for this game. At the end of the game, put it back into the Item deck.
The Tomb is where you store cards that will remain out of play until you are told to return them. In some cases, this may be after you have finished the campaign or it may be the next game. When you are told to put something in the Tomb, put it under the tray in the game box.
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