When you discover a tile with an Event, Item, or Omen symbol, draw a card.
Whenever you draw a card (for any reason) from the Item, Omen, or Event deck, you lose all remaining moves (but not actions) for the turn.
If you are instructed to draw the top card from a deck, then draw the top card, regardless of its region markings.
All cards are read out loud unless their text says otherwise.
There is no limit to the number of cards you may carry.
All cards carried by characters are public knowledge.
Drawing Event, Item and Omen Cards

Draw the top card from the Event deck if it matches your region. Otherwise, bury cards until you find one that matches your region. Read the italicized text aloud. If the card requires a die roll, do not read the results before rolling. Instead, roll the dice and read only the applicable result.

Draw the top card from the Item deck if it matches your region. Otherwise, bury cards until you find one that matches your region. Place it face up in front of you, unused.
You are now carrying the Item. You may gain its power or use its action as noted on the card. This does not count as using your PICK UP or TAKE action for this turn. It is possible, but unlikely, that there are no more Item cards that match your region. In this case, draw the top card of the Item deck.

Draw the top card from the Omen deck. Place it face up in front of you, unused. You are now carrying the Omen and gain any bonuses it gives. If the haunt has not started, check to see if it starts now.
In some games during the campaign, you might discover an Omen tile but have no more Omen cards in the deck. In that case, you do not draw a card and do not lose moves.

Event Cards
Draw an Event card when you discover a new tile with the Event symbol on it, and occasionally as the result of another effect. Usually Event cards are buried after you read them. A few you keep. In many cases, Event cards have space for a family crest or checkbox(es) on them.
You will be told when to apply a Crest sticker or to check a box (those instructions might not be on the card itself!). Some cards will be destroyed (not used in any future game) after a certain number of uses.
Ongoing Event cards have continuous effects and are not buried. Instead, place a token on the Event tile to mark its effect. Put that Ongoing Event card to the side of the play area, face up, for players to reference.
Adding or Intensifying Event Cards
At the end of each chapter, you may be told to add cards from the Purgatory deck to the Event deck. In this case, fan through the Purgatory deck, looking at the number in the lower left corner until you find the stated card number. Check the title to make sure it's the right card and add it to your Event deck.
Later in the campaign, you will be told to "add or Intensify" an Event card. If the card is still in the Purgatory deck, add it to the Event deck as usual. If it is already in the Event deck, find the card there and intensify it by checking one box on the card.
Item and Omen Cards
You draw Item and Omen cards when you discover a tile with a matching symbol (and through some other effects). Both types of cards represent things that you can carry and use, but there are two main differences: Omens may trigger the haunt (page 16) and they also interact with the ghosts in the house.
Unlike the base game of Betrayal, Items are keyed to certain regions of the house.
Some Items and Omens have a type: Weapon, Firearm, and/or Sacred.
Any text that talks about "Items" refers to Item cards only, not Omen cards.
Many cards have an action associated with them (actions are explained on page 14). You must take that action to use the card. Read the card to see when and how it is used.
Item and Omen cards have two states: unused (turned straight up) and used (turned sideways).
When you draw a card from the deck, you get it unused.
To use an action on a card, it must be unused.
When you use the action on a card, turn it sideways to show it is used.
Used Items and Omens still confer any bonus listed on them. For example, if an Item lets you gain 1 Might while you carry it, this is true whether it is used or unused.
Some Item cards may be heirloomed during the campaign. If you're carrying a card marked with your family's heirloom, you get the extra effect of the card as stated in the text near the Heirloom sticker.
Players may GIVE, TAKE, DROP, PICK UP, and STEAL Items and Omens.
Heirlooming Item Cards
Some things just seem important, like a poem from a friend or a childhood doll or a bat that makes just the right crack when you hit someone with it.
Each family has nine Heirloom stickers, allowing them to heirloom up to nine Items each over the course of the campaign (don't worry if you don't use them all).
Once per game, when you draw an Item card from the deck that has a space for an Heirloom sticker, you may choose to make it your family's heirloom. You must make this decision immediately when you draw the card before taking any actions or continuing your turn. If you heirloom the Item, place your family's Heirloom sticker on the card. If it doesn't have a name, give it one (for example, "Thaddeus McCaster's Magic Bells").
You do not heirloom a card if you pick it up from a tile where it was dropped, or if you get it through a GIVE or TAKE action.
If you decline, you cannot go back and heirloom that Item later in the game; your moment is lost. But you may heirloom a future
Item you find, provided you find one. Provided you don't die. Or worse.
Some Item cards do not have a space for an Heirloom sticker and are already named. The house is not new.
If a card refers to an "heirloomed Item", it means any Item card with an Heirloom sticker on it. It does not have to be yours.

Omen Card Names
Omen cards have a blank line on them to show where they will get their final name. For example, if there were an Omen called the Ring of __________, you might later be told to name the card "the Ring of Possession".
Putting a name on an Omen does not affect gameplay in any way; it is a way to record the story of that Omen in your world. Any text in the game that refers to "the Ring" would refer to that card, no matter if it is the the Ring of Possession or the Ring of Bleeding Gums.

Some haunts will tell you that certain tokens are Objects for that haunt. Objects may be PICKED UP, DROPPED, GIVEN, TAKEN, and STOLEN like Items or Omens. Unlike Items or Omens, Objects are never used, so you may perform these actions on an Object any number of times in a turn.

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