
Collect 2 bonus Victory coins at the end of each turn. This stops when your race go into Decline.
This is a very straight forward power and decent for all races.

You may use the Reinforcement die before each of your conquests.
Roll the die first, select the region you wish to conquer, then place the required number of Race tokens (minus the die results) there.
If you do not have enough tokens left, this is your final conquest attempt for the turn.

Deploy the 5 encampment tokens in any of your region(s), during your troop redeployment phase.
Each Encampment counts as 1 Race token toward the defense of the Region in which it is placed.
Multiple Encampments may be placed in the same region to obtain a higher defense bonus. Each turn you may break camp and settle in any new region you occupy.
Encampments are never lost during an attack on the region they are in. They are redeployed at the end of the current player's turn, but they disappear when the race goes into Decline.

This is the ultimate attack enabler. You should buy them even at high prices.
You can conquer any region with 1 less race token than normal (minimum of 1 token is still required).

At the end of your turn, you can select one opponent whose active race you did not attack this turn as your ally. Tokens In Decline are not impacted.
You are now at peace with him and he cannot attack your active race until your next turn.
You may change allies each turn or stay at peace with the same opponent.
Dragon Master

You can conquer a region using a single race token once per turn (regardless of the number of defending enemy tokens).
Once conquered, place your Dragon there to make the region immune to enemy conquests as well as to their racial and special powers until your Dragon moves.
During each new turn, you may move your Dragon to a different region and the Dragon disappears when you go into Decline.
Buy this even at a high prices, because it's better to have it then in hands of your opponents.

You can conquer any region of the map except Seas and Lakes.
The regions do not need to be adjacent to ones you already occupy.
It is decent for a powerful race.

Collect 1 bonus Victory coin for each Forest region you occupy when your turn ends.
It is a decent coin earner and better on 3-4 player boards.

If race is active, you may once per turn place 1 Fortress in a region you occupy and collect 1 bonus Victory coin at turn's end.
The Fortress also augments your region's defense by 1, even if you are In Decline.
Remove the Fortress if you abandon the Region or when an enemy conquers it.
There is a maximum of 6 Fortresses and you can only have maximum 1 Fortress per region.

At the end of your turn, place each of your 2 Heroes in 2 different regions you occupy.
These 2 regions are immune to enemy conquests as well as to their racial and special powers until your Heroes move.
Your Heroes disappear when you go into Decline.

Collect 1 bonus Victory coin for each Hill region you occupy at turn's end.
It is a decent coin earner and better on 3-4 player boards.

Collect 1 bonus Victory coin for any region you occupy at turn's end.
It's power is very good, but it's hard to get over the low token count. It's good for Ratmen.

You can conquer any Hill or Farmland region with 1 less Race token than normal (minimum of 1 token is still required).
This power make it easier to take one third of the regions but it's not so good as commando.

Each non-empty region you conquer this turn is worth 1 bonus Victory coin at turn's end.
This makes any race into Orcs. It is a great power for races with high token counts.

As long as your Seafaring race is active, you may conquer the Seas and the Lake, considering them as 3 empty regions (only Seafaring races may occupy them).
You keep these regions even once you go into Decline, and continue scoring for them for as long as you have tokens there.

When the race tokens associated with your Spirit Special Power go into Decline, they never count toward the limit stated in Entering In Decline regarding having a single In Decline race on the map at any given time.
You may thus end up with two different races In Decline on the map at the same time and score for them both.

You may go In Decline at the end of a regular turn of conquests (after scoring), instead of spending an entire turn going into Decline.
This power is very usefull for Ghouls. But also good for other races.

Collect 1 bonus Victory coin for each Swamp Region you occupy at turn's end.
It is a decent coin earner and better on 3-4 player boards.

You may conquer any region with a Cavern with 1 less race token than normal (minimum of 1 token is still required).
All Regions with a Cavern are also considered adjacent to each other for your conquest purposes.

Collect 7 bonus Victory coins (once only) at the end of your first turn.
Seven coins can sometimes be an OK round of earnings, but else this one is not so good.
Blank Special Power badge
There is also a Special Power for your own invention.
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