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Rating: 7.2 Good
Difficulty:Very easy
Players: 1-5 players
Playing time: 25-352 minutes

Official Site: Official link

Created by: Justin Blaske, Felix Janson, Thomas Tamblyn

Published by: Five24 Labs, PixieGames


Mint Delivery is a mint tin-sized, pick-up-and-deliver board game designed to be quick-to-play and easy-to-learn.

In the game, players take the role of a mint delivery truck driver, driving around the area taking orders for mints, then delivering them.

Each player has two actions on their turn, such as moving, loading their truck, and upgrading the mints they are carrying.

Once enough orders have been fulfilled, the game ends. Whoever has fulfilled the highest value of orders will be deemed the employee of the month and win.

Retail Price:$0

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