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Rating: 6.4 Fair
Players: 3-8 players
Playing time: 30 minutes

Created by: Garrett J. Donner, Brian S. Spence, Michael S. Steer, Tim Weiffenbach

Published by: Gamewright


Sharpen your pencils - and your intuition - for this quick playing "think-in-sync" party game.

Draw a category card and in 45 seconds, list as many related words that come to mind. When the timer runs out, roll the die - if it lands on HIT, pick a word that you think everyone wrote; if it lands on MISS, pick one that only you wrote.

Choose wisely and score big points. The player with the highest score wins. Hit or Miss - the cant MISS game that will turn your next party into a HIT!

Retail Price:$0
Mensa Select Winner 2007

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