- 252 category cards
- 45 second timer
- 8 HIT or MISS cards
- 8 pads of paper
- 8 pencils
- 1 score pad
- 1 HIT or MISS die
- Instrucitons
Object of the Game
Quickly write down a list of items in a chosen category. Then roll the HIT or MISS die. If you roll a HIT, score points for picking an item on your list that you think other players also wrote.
If you roll a MISS, score for choosing one that you think only you wrote. The player with the highest score wins the game.
Give each player a pad of paper, pencil and one HIT or MISS card. Place the categories card box, die, and timer in the middle of the playing area. Designate one player as scorekeeper and write all players' names on the left side of the score pad.
Game Play
Hit or Miss is played in rounds equal to the number of players.

A different player acts as the Leader for each round. The Leader draws a card from the categories box and reads it aloud to the group. Another player starts the sand timer.
As soon as the timer is turned, all players quickly write down as many items as they can think of that fit the category. When the timer runs out, everyone must immediately stop writing.
Scoring a Round
Starting with the Leader and moving to the left, each player takes a turn rolling the HIT or MISS die and following one of three possible outcomes:
Note: In a 3 or 4 player game, each player takes two turns.

If you roll a HIT, circle an item on your list that you think many other players also wrote and read it aloud to the group.
The other players respond by placing their HIT or MISS cards HIT-side-up in front of them if they have a match on their lists or MISS-side-up if they don't.
Score 1 point for each HIT card showing and write the total next to the circled item.
Each player with a HIT card showing also circles the item and scores just 1 point.
If you roll a MISS, circle an item on your list that you think no one else wrote and read it aloud to the group.
The other players respond by placing their HIT or MISS cards HIT-side-up in front of them if they have a match or MISS-side-up if they don't.
Score 1 point for each MISS card showing and write the total next to the circled item. Players with MISS cards don't receive points but any player with a HIT card showing scores 3 points for hitting on a miss!
If you roll the jester, you may choose either to read off a HIT or a MISS from your list.
First announce "HIT'' or "MISS'* to the group, then follow the directions above depending on your choice.
After everyone has taken turns, all players total their scores for the round and announce them to the scorekeeper. Start a new round with the player to the left of the Leader as the new Leader. Play continues as described above.
Playing Notes
You may only read an item from your list that has not already been read by another player.
Before playing, it is suggested that all players agree on how strict to be about the exactness of matches, (i.e., Are synonyms acceptable?)
If an item is given that a player believes does not fit the category, a discussion should take place by all players regarding the validity of the item.
All players then vote whether or not to accept the answer. Majority rules. A tie goes to the challenged player.
End of the Game
The game ends after each player has had one turn as Leader. The player with the most points wins.
Note: In a 3 or 4 player game, the game ends after each player has been the Leader twice.
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