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Rating: 6.2 Fair
Difficulty:Very easy
Players: 2-9 players
Playing time: 30 minutes

Created by: (Uncredited), Design Edge

Published by: Britannia Games, Croner, Crown & Andrews Ltd.

Alternate Names: 100 Mexicanos Dijeron, All Star Family Fortunes, Bert's Family Feud, El Vitor Presenta 100 Mexicanos Dijieron, Familien Duell


Based on the classic TV game show of the same name. Players or teams try to match the most popular answers based on survey questions that were posed to 100 people.

Gather your friends and family to play the Classic Family Feud. Enjoy this game at home with the kids, and battle it out to see who reigns supreme.

The game comes with a scoreboard, a strike indicator and 3 "X" markers. The game also includes a wipe-off marker and an instructions/survey questions booklet with all the survey questions and answers.

The Family Feud Game is sure to provide hours of family entertainment.

Retail Price:$0

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Gameplay for this board game differs slightly to the TV Show so we advise you take time to read the rules.


  • 50 Fast Money Cards
  • 50 Face Off Cards
  • 6 X Cards
  • 1 Fast Money Pad
  • 2 Face Off Pads
  • Instructions

Object of the Game

To have the most points at the end of the game by matching the most popular survey answers.


Set up the Scorepads and have a pencil ready. (pencil not included)

Each Face Off card contains one survey question. Each Fast Money card contains five questions. Shuffle cards. …


  • 50 Kids Face Off Cards
  • 50 Parents Face Off Cards
  • 20 Kids Fast Money Cards
  • 1 Dry Erase Scoreboard
  • 1 Dry Erase Marker
  • Instructions

Object of the Game

To have the most points at the end of the game by matching the most popular survey answers.


Kids and Parents set up on opposite sides of the table. Set up the Scorepads and have a pencil ready (pencil not included).

There are four sets of cards - two sets of Kids' Cards and two sets of Parents'Cards. …


  • 102 Survey Cards (204 Surveys!)
  • 3 Red Strike Cards
  • 3 Blue Strike Cards
  • Instructions

Object of the Game

Each Team volleys survey questions back and forth to win the card in play. Win 4 cards and you've won the game!

To Win a card, a team must either A) NOT Strikeout, or B) recite the LAST remaining answer on the card.


To play, have one player serve as the "Host" or "MC" to read the questions ana handle the revealing of the answers.

Split the remaining players into 2 teams (One team is the RED Team, the other the BLUE team). …


  • 200 Family Feud survey cards
  • 1 Answer Board
  • 1 Scoreboard with Strike Indicator
  • 1 Wipe Off Marker
  • 1 Instruction sheet

Object of the Game

To have the most points at the end of 3 rounds by matching the most popular survey answers (to some of our most ridiculous survey questions)!


Select someone to serve as host/MC and divide remaining players into 2 teams.

Note: For a 3-player game, one player acts as MC with remaining two playing against one another.

Place the survey cords, Answer Board, Scoreboard, and marker within reach of the host. …

Family Feud 6th Edition

Gather your friends and family to play the Classic Family Feud 5th Edition.

Enjoy this game at home with the kids, and battle it out to see who reigns supreme. The game comes with a scoreboard, a strike indicator and 3 "X" markers.

The game also includes a wipe-off marker and an instructions/survey questions booklet with all the survey questions and answers. …

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Family Feud Board Game #4723, 1977 Milton Bradley

Family Feud - Beer and Board Games

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