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Rating: 4.3 Passable
Difficulty:Very easy
Players: 2-2 players
Playing time: 10 minutes

Created by: Ned Strongin, Howard Wexler, (Uncredited)

Published by: (Public Domain), (Unknown), Aero Lloyd

Alternate Names: 4, 4 à la suite, 4 Across, 4 em Linha, 4 en linea


Connect-Four is a tic-tac-toe-like two-player game in which players alternately place checkers on a vertical board.

The play board is 7 columns across and 6 rows high.

Each player plays each time with a particular color (usually yellow and red, or black and red).

The object of the game is to be the first to get 4 checkers in a horizontal, vertical or diagonal line.

As the board is vertical, new checkers in a column always drop on top of other checkers or to the lowers row.

When a column have 6 pieces, it is full and it's impossible to add extra checkers.

If nobody have a 4-in-a-row and all columns are full, then it is a draw.

The site is also available in Dutch Language.

Retail Price:$5
JoTa Best Game Released in Brazil Nominee 2011

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  • Lockable grid
  • Top locking mechanism
  • 21 yellow checkers
  • 21 red checkers
  • Scoring sliders

Object of the Game

Be the first player to get four of the same checkers in a row horizontally, vertically or diagonally.

Game Play

  1. Make sure the PopOut bar on the bottom is closed.

  2. Decide which player starts.

  3. Players will alternate turn after playing a checker.

  4. On your turn, drop one of your checkers down any of the slots in the top of the grid.

  5. Players alternates until one player gets 4 checkers of his color in a row. …

There are a couple of strategies in connect four.

The first consists in looking ahead a few moves to avoid the opponent to win and in the same time trying to connect four checkers.

The other strategy is looking for a win in the long run.

Most of the games ends between 35th and 42nd move when you or the opponent is forced to make a particular move since there's only one column available.

Then people think that the winner is lucky, but that's not it. An expert player is able to make this happen much time before. …

Two players bounce balls into the grid at the same time. Connect four in a row to win!


  • Collapsible grid
  • 2 feet
  • Cardboard backboard
  • 12 yellow balls
  • 12 red balls
  • Orange ball
  • Instructions

Object of the Game

Be first to connect four shots in a row!

Game Device

  • e Foot
  • f Backboard
  • g Ramp
  • h Grid
  • i Ball Release


Slide the backboard up and put it aside. Pull the ramp up until it clicks into place at an angle.

Now You're Ready To Play …


  • 55 Connect 4 tiles
  • 24 Mission cards
  • Instructions

Object of the Game

Complete four Connect 4 missions to win!


  1. Shuffle the Mission cards and deal two to each player, face down. Place the rest of the Mission cards face down.

  2. Players each look at their two Mission cards, but keep them secret! See MISSIONS for more information.

  3. Shuffle the square Connect 4 tiles and place them face down. This is your draw deck.

  4. Flip over the top Connect 4 tile and place it in the center of your play area. This is your start tile. …


  • Double-sided grid
  • 68 checkers (17 of each color)
  • 8 blockers (2 of each color)


Hold the grid upright and fold down the leg on each side to form the game base.

Place the grid in the middle of all players.

Each player picks 1 color and takes all the checkers and blockers of that color.

Ensure the slide on the bottom of the grid is locked in place to prevent the checkers from falling out the bottom.

The youngest player goes first. Play then passes to the left. …


  • 21 Red Checkers
  • 21 Yellow Checkers
  • 4 Pillar Pieces
  • 2 Trays
  • 1 Red Checker Launcher
  • 1 Yellow Checker Launcher
  • Rulebook


Use this setup for all 3 games. Assemble the game as shown.

One player takes the red checkers and launcher; the other player takes the yellow checkers and launcher. ignore markings on the checkers until Game 3.

Place the game on a flat surface between players. Players must launch from anywhere on their own side of the game.

Launchin' Checkers

Before starting a game, take a few practice launches (always keep the launchers on the playing surface). …

Players go "4 the win" by trying to be the first to get four of their colored discs in a row. The unique 5-level tower adds a fun, new twist to gameplay.


  • 1 Connect 4 Twist & Turn multi-level tower
  • 36 plastic discs (18 red and 18 yellow)
  • illustrated instructions.

Object of the Game

The object of the game is to get four of your colored discs in a row, either vertically, horizontally or diagonally.


  1. Divide the red and yellow discs. One player is the "red" player and uses the red discs and the other is the "yellow" player and uses the yellow discs. …


  • Game Grid
  • 21 Red Discs
  • 21 Gold Discs
  • 2 Legs
  • 2 Base Pieces
  • Lever
  • Lever Housing
  • Funnel
  • 2 Label Sheets
  • Character Card
  • Rulebook


Object of the Game

Be the first to land 4-in-a-row.


Put Om Nom under the grid. One player takes the red discs and the other player takes the gold discs.

Game Play

Red player goes first. On your turn:

  1. Put disc in rope.

  2. Pull back.

    Note: The farther you pull back, the farther your disc will go.

  3. Lets go!

    Note: If the disc doesn't land in the grid, try again. …


  • 1 Gameboard
  • 1 Gameboard Stand
  • 158 Building Parts
  • 21 Red Checkers
  • 21 Yellow Checkers
  • Assembly Guide
  • Rulebook


  1. Follow the instructions in the separate assembly guide to build your game before you start playing!

  2. Each player, pick a color. take the matching color checkers.

  3. Decide who plays first. You and your opponent alternate turns after playing a checker.

Object of the Game

Be the first player to get four of your colored checkers in a row - horizontally, vertically or diagonally.

Think you know where a checker's going to go? Think again! The bumpers add a little luck to the fun! The first to four-in-a-row is the winner! …


The game play is like the original Connect4 except on your turn you can do:

  • Drop a checker in
  • Pop one of your own checkers out of the botton row.

Watch out! Your move could help you but if could also change things for your opponent.

Note: Sometimes a PopOut results in Two players having a 4-in-a-row at the same time. In that case, the win goes to the player whose turn it is.

Power Up

Object of the Game

It is played like the original Connect4 game, except players may add any combination of Power checkers to make the game faster and more strategic. …

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