Barrels Effects

Gain 2 Gold Nuggets.

Gain 1 Camp and place as much Camps as you like.

Draw 3 cards from your deck.

Gain 3 Bucks

Gain 2 Dudes and place Dudes as much as you like on the Shootout

Move your Wagon on the Frontier Map

Gain 1 Horse

Play the Signpost action.

Play the Boom, Saw action of Site 3.

Play the Boom, Saw action of Site 2.
Each Bridge you build can score you Victory Points at the end of the game.

3 Victory Points per Barrel you have (used or unused). Maximum 15 Victory Points.

3 Victory Points per Town Building in your Town Building tableau (not including Town Buildings covered by Hotels). Maximum 15 Victory Points.

3 Victory Points per River you have surveyed. Maximum 12 Victory Points.

3 Victory Points per Camp you placed on an Event. Maximum 15 Victory Points.

3 Victory Points per 2 Bucks you have in your Lodge (ignore Gold Nuggets). Maximum 15 Victory Points.

3 Victory Points each Horse you have in your Lodge. Maximum 12 Victory Points.
Well, by now you been through the mill, so I'll quit all my yammerin'. But if'n you ever strike it rich, jus' remember ol' Buster taught yer everything yer know about frontier life in Coloma...
Town Cards Abilities
Poker Hall
- Shovel: Gain 2 Bucks.
- +Wheelbarrow Gain 1 Buck.
Express Office
- Shovel: Gain 1 Gold Nugget.
- Wheelbarrow: Discard 1 Dude from your Lodge to gain 1 Gold Nugget (1x per activation).
Lumber Yard
- Shovel: Draw 2 cards.
- Wheelbarrow: Draw 1 card.
- Shovel: Gain 2 Dudes
- Wheelbarrow: Gain 1 Dude
Trading Post
- Shovel: Gain 1 Camp
- Wheelbarrow: Discard 1 card from your hand to gain 1 Camp (1x per activation)
- Shovel: Gain 1 Horse
- Wheelbarrow: Spend 1 Buck to gain 1 Horse (1x per activation)
Horse Ranch
- Wagon: Spend 1 Buck to gain 1 Horse (1x per activation)
- Site 4 Bust: Spend 1 Buck to gain 1 Wagon movement on the Frontier Map (1x per activation)
Toll House
- Wagon: Spend 1 Buck to place Camps anywhere (one per activation)
- Site 4 Bust: Spend 1 Buck to gain 1 Camp (1x per activation)
Boarding House
- Site 3 Hammer: Discard 1 Town Building from your hand to gain 2 Dudes (unlimited times per activation) Site 3 Bust: Draw 1 Town Buildin Odd Fellows Hall
- Site 3 Hammer: Discard 1 Town Building from your hand to gain 2 Bucks (unlimited times per activation) Site 3 Bust: Draw 1 Town Building
- Barker: Discard 1 used Barrel to gain 2 Gold Nuggets (1x per activation)
- Hideout Barrel: Gain 1 Dude for each Barrel you have (used or unused)
- Barker: Discard 1 used Barrel to activate all Wheelbarrow abilities in your Tableau (1x per activation)
- Hideout Barrel: Gain 1 Buck for each Barrel you have (used or unused)
Telegraph Office
- Site 2 Hammer: Discard 1 card from your hand to gain 3 Dudes (1x per activation).
- Site 2 Bust: Discard 1 card from your hand to gain 1 Camp (1x per activation).
Post Office
- Site 2 Hammer: Discard 1 card from your hand to gain 3 Bucks (1x per activation).
- Site 2 Bust: Discard 1 card from your hand to gain 1 Horse (1x per activation).
- Site 5 Place Dudes: Spend 1 Camp from your Lodge to gain 1 Barrel from the Outlaw's Hideout (1x per activation).
- Site 5 Bust: Gain 1 Gold Nugget for each Dude in your Graveyard.
Site 5 Place Dudes: Spend 1 Horse to gain 4 Dudes (1x per activation). Site 5 Boom: Gain 1 Buck for every 2 Gunmen you have at the Shootout
Characters Module
If you enjoy asymmetric player powers, you can add character cards into the game during setup.
Each one offers unique and thematic special abilities that may guide your strategies or give you tactical advantages. These include ongoing effects, bonuses for taking certain actions, and other rule-bending benefits.
Trade 1 gold for $2 (ongoing, any time on your turn)
Draw 1 extra card every time you draw 1 or more cards with an action.
Banjo Man
When you are at the Signpost Site you may choose to use any visible Boom action.
Trade 1 barrel for $3 (ongoing, any time on your turn)
Gain 2 Dudes each time you place a Camp (on Map).

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